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Chemistry (CHEM)

100 Elements of Chemistry

4 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. Three hours lecture and discussion plus three hours laboratory a week. Fee: $115.00.

A study of the fundamental principles of chemistry, including the structure of matter, the nature of solutions, acids, bases, and salts, pH, and buffer action. The compounds and reactions studied are chosen mainly from the fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry and relate to the nature of life processes.

Prerequisite: Appropriate Placement Assessment scores or grade of "C" or better in Mathematics 90 and Reading 93.

101 General Chemistry I

4 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. Three hours lecture plus three hours laboratory a week. Fee: $115.00.

A study of the fundamental principles of chemistry, including the structure of matter, the periodic table, energy relationships, and the chemistry of some of the common elements and their compounds.

Prerequisite: Minimum high school GPA of 3.0 or appropriate assessment scores and Mathematics 93.

Note: Concurrent registration in Mathematics 119 is required if the student is planning to take Chemistry 102.

102 General Chemistry II

4 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours lecture plus three hours laboratory a week. Fee: $115.00.

Chemical thermodynamics, rates, ionic equilibria, and nuclear chemistry are emphasized. Selected topics in organic and inorganic chemistry are included. The representative elements and biotechnology are studied in the laboratory.

Prerequisite: Chemistry 101 and Mathematics 119.

203 Organic Chemistry I

4 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory a week. Fee: $115.00.

Fundamental principles and theories of organic chemistry, methods of preparation and reactions of the hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, ethers and alcohols, and laboratory techniques are studied.

Prerequisite: Chemistry 102.

204 Organic Chemistry II

4 credit hours

Offered spring semester using alternative instructional delivery methods. Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory a week. Fee: $115.00.

A continuation of Chemistry 203, with emphasis in the properties, preparation and reaction of aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, amines, heterocylic compounds, sugars, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

Prerequisite: Chemistry 203.

299 Special Problems

1-4 credit hours

Fee: $115.00.

Study projects under the direct supervision of the instructor. Library and laboratory research on selected problems. Honors credit by contract may be available in some sections of this course. Qualified students should consult the instructor. This course may be repeated for credit.

Prerequisite: Chemistry 102 and consent of the instructor.