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Allegany College of Maryland Foundation, Inc.

Board of Directors

Dr. Audie G. Klingler, President
Carl O. Belt, Jr., Vice President
Robert J. Martin, Jr., Treasurer
Elaine K. Solomon, Secretary
David N. Aydelotte, Sr.
Jonathan M. Dayton
Destinee Frankenberry
Bernie A. Friedland
Robert E. Heltzel
Aaron W. Hendrickson
Michael W. Kerns
George W. Lapp, Jr.
Chris T. Mathews
Juli R. McCoy
John J. McMullen, Jr.
Matt Miller
Mary Ann D. Moen
Amanda W. Ruthenberg
Judge J. Frederick Sharer
Robert J. Smith
John R. Smyth, Jr.

Board Member Emeritus

Ivan A. Hall
Dr. Gail O. Mazzocco
John J. McMullen
Miriam D. Sanner
Gloria R. Saville
Thomas R. Watters


Mr. David R. Jones
President, Allegany College of Maryland

Courtney B. Jensen
Director of Grants and Development &
Executive Director of the Allegany College of Maryland Foundation


The Allegany College of Maryland Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation organized and incorporated under Maryland law. Its purpose is to receive private gifts, bequests and donations and to account for, manage, and help appreciate monies or property submitted to the Foundation or College. Such contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Funds for the Foundation are distributed to encourage and promote the growth, progress, and general welfare of Allegany College of Maryland.

The Foundation's Board of Directors comprises individuals who represent positive leadership and community influence and who have expressed an interest and desire to use their influence on behalf of the College through the Foundation.

The Foundation activities and support include, but are not limited to:

  • Merit Scholarships for recognition of academic achievement;
  • Scholarships for students with financial need;
  • Development of regional and national interest in support of the College;
  • Planning for special College activities and programs;
  • Awards for special achievement; and
  • Management and investment of funds.

Gifts to the Foundation may be made in any one of several ways and can usually be arranged to achieve maximum tax benefits to the donor while, at the same time, providing generous support to education. Contributions may be made by cash gifts, real or personal property, securities, provisions of a will, insurance policies, life income gifts, or establishing trusts. Gifts may be awarded for a specific purpose or given without restriction on use.

Persons interested in contributing to the Allegany College of Maryland Foundation, Inc. should contact any  Foundation Board of Directors, their financial or legal representative, and/or the Foundation’s Executive Director. Inquiries concerning the Allegany College of Maryland Foundation can be made by writing or calling:

Executive Director
Allegany College of Maryland Foundation, Inc.
12401 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21502-2596
Phone: 301-784-5200

Bedford County Regional Educational Foundation, Inc.

The Bedford County Regional Education Foundation was established as a non-profit foundation organized and incorporated under Pennsylvania law. The purpose of the foundation is to receive private gifts, bequests, and donations and to account for, manage and help appreciate monies or property submitted to the foundation or College. Such donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Funds for the foundation are distributed to encourage and promote the growth, progress and general welfare of Allegany College of Maryland in Bedford County, Pennsylvania.

The Foundation activities and support include, but are not limited to:

  • Scholarship support to students;
  • Tuition assistance program for college-age and Early College students;
  • Emergency book funding assistance;
  • Bedford County Scholastic Hall of Fame;
  • Management and investment of funds; and
  • Development of campus facilities and infrastructure.

Gifts given to the Bedford County Regional Education Foundation assist students in reaching their dreams of postsecondary education. Contributions to the Foundation may support the scholarship endowment fund, establishment of new scholarship opportunities, Early College tuition assistance, emergency book funding, facility development, technology upgrades, a specific purpose, or given without restriction of use.

Persons interested in contributing to the Bedford County Regional Education Foundation should contact any of the Foundation members, their financial or legal representative, and/or the Director of PA Advancement and Community Relations. Inquiries concerning the Bedford County Regional Education Foundation may be made by calling or writing:

Bedford County Regional Education Foundation, Inc.
18 North River Lane
Everett, PA 15537
Phone: 814-652-9528


Bedford County Regional Education Foundation Board of Directors

Dan Koontz, Chair
Beth Manges, Vice Chair
Kirt Morris, Treasurer
Lynn Ashe, Secretary
Todd Beatty
Deb Baughman
David Burkett
Connie Cragan
Craig Cutchall
Garry Goss
Meredith Hendershot
Cheryl McInroy
Dr. Christina Ramsey
Ralph Scott
Dr. William Shrout, Jr.
Larry Williams

Mr. David R. Jones
President, Allegany College of Maryland

Leah Pepple
Director of PA Advancement and Community Relations

Bedford County Campus Advisory Committee

The purpose and function of the Bedford County Campus Advisory Committee is to provide assistance and recommendations to the Board of Trustees and ACM administration concerning all aspects of the operation and development of the Bedford County Campus.

Larry Myers, Chair
Mike Eichelberger
Erin Geller
Kellie Goodman Shaffer
Jim Hollis
Beth Hullihen
Melissa Jacobs, Vice Chair
Danielle Imes-Foor
Dan Koontz
Beth Manges
Dr. Jennifer Nouse
Mike O'Dellick
Dr. Christina Ramsey
Jill Reigh
Dr. Paul Ruhlman
Bette Slayton
Denise Steele
Larry Williams
JR Winck