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Student Affairs and Services

Academic Access & Disability Resources

Students who had an IEP or 504 plan in high school or have been diagnosed with a learning disability, ADHD, or a chronic medical or mental health disorder may qualify for academic accommodations. Those students who provide appropriate documentation of their condition to the Academic Access and Disability Resources Office (AADR) will have a set of academic accommodations established that uphold equal access to educational opportunities at ACM, such as extended time on tests, a reader for tests, or testing in a quiet environment. To assure timely acquisition of services, students should contact AADR at least four weeks prior to the start of the semester. Maryland residents who are retired from the workforce by reason of total and permanent disability as defined by the Social Security or Railroad Retirement Act may be eligible for a disability-based tuition waiver and should contact the AADR on the Cumberland Campus, located in the Humanities Building, Suite H-1 through H-3, by calling 301-784-5234 or emailing Individuals who need assistive calling may place a call through Maryland Relay by dialing 711.

American with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; this legislation established comprehensive standards that were expanded per 2008 Amendments.  Rehabilitation Act of 1972, Section 504 prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of a "handicap" by entities receiving federal funds. 

  • Allegany College of Maryland will provide access to its programs and activities to disabled persons.  Discrimination against an actual or perceived disability is prohibited.
  • The person must be otherwise qualified for the program or activities, accomodations must be reasonable; and accommodations may not fundamentally alter the program of service.
  • Students who have a documented disability that affects learning for which reasonable accommodations are needed should contact Academic Access and Disability Resources. (See above)
  • Employees who have a documented disability for which reasonable accommodations are needed during employment should contact Human Resources.
  • Any person with a documented disability for which reasonable accommodations are needed for other programs or activities should contact the ADA/504 Coordinator.
  • Any person who experiences discrimination on the basis of a disability may file a complaint under the College's grievance process; retaliation for filing a complaint is prohibited.

For instructional accommodations, contact  For non-instructional accommodations or if you need to make a complaint , contact ACM's ADA/504 Coordinator, Dr. Renee Conner in CC-12, by email at or by phone 301-784-5206.  For detailed information about policy, procedures, and prevention education, see

ACM Learning Commons - Library / Testing / Tutoring

The ACM Learning Commons provides the services of the Library, Testing Center, and Tutoring in one centralized location.   Our mission is to support the diverse learning needs of our students and community.


Learning Commons - Donald L. Alexander Library 

The Donald L. Alexander Library is considered as much a place for learning as the classroom.  Our Library staff is prepared to assist students and college personnel with their learning and information needs.

Named for the College’s third president, the Library is a comfortable place for students to study, both individually and in groups. The space has multiple seating and study areas, including small study group rooms and booth-style white board tables.

The Learning Commons / Library includes the Appalachian Collection, the popular repository of genealogy and regional history materials. The Allegany County Genealogical Society’s offices and its collection are also housed in this area. There is a collection of materials related to celebrated American author Willa Cather and other revered American and British authors. These impressive items, gathered by Dr. Gary Cook in name and memory of his late wife, Janet, an ACM English professor, are housed in the Janet Zastrow Cook Willa Cather and Rare Book Collections.

Library resources on the Cumberland campus include printed and digital books, periodicals, DVDs, and access to multiple academic databases.  Materials are selected for their relevance to the instructional programs and for their potential to serve the cultural and recreational interests of the College community. Materials from other libraries may be obtained, free of charge, through interlibrary loan. Adult residents of Allegany County and the surrounding area are encouraged to use the library and may borrow materials.

Desktop and laptop computers with internet access and Microsoft products allow students to work effectively in the library. To aid students and faculty in research, the library subscribes to online databases of journal articles and other electronic resources that may be accessed on or off campus by all faculty, staff, and students. In support of the College Information Literacy program, individual and class sessions taught by Librarians are offered on the efficient and appropriate use of resource materials.

Library resources are also available at the Bedford County Campus. The Bedford County Campus offers computer stations that give access to the library online catalog and databases, and electronic resources, which are accessible through the college library webpage. These databases, online books, and select websites have thousands of periodical articles, books, and other forms of information on a wide variety of topics from nursing, psychology, science, and other disciplines.

 Learning Commons - James Zamagias Testing and Tutoring Centers

The James Zamagias Testing and Tutoring Centers are dedicated to providing academic support services for students enrolled at Allegany College of Maryland. In-person, walk-in study labs are provided on the Cumberland campus, with virtual and online tutoring options available. The Center works closely with staff of the Bedford County Campus Student Services office to provide similar support to all Allegany College of Maryland credit students. The offices share the common mission to assist students in achieving their educational goals by providing support services in a nurturing and respectful environment.

Learning Commons-Testing/Tutoring (Cumberland Campus)
301-784-5554 (LC Testing)
301-784-5669 (LC Tutoring)

Bedford County Campus Student Services              814-652-9528, ext. 1-6200


As part of the registration process, students planning to pursue a degree or take courses requiring a prerequisite may need to complete a college placement assessment. The assessment consists of three sections: Reading, English (writing) and mathematics. Students who speak English as a second language have the option to take the ESL Writing and Reading sections. Results of the placement evaluation are used to determine a student’s readiness for college-level coursework and to increase the student’s opportunity for academic success. Students should contact the Advising Center to determine which section(s) of the placement test are required.

Placement Exemptions 

Multiple measures are considered as possible exemptions to taking the college placement assessment.

Students who transferred in a college-level English composition course or College Algebra course from an accredited college/university are exempt from taking the respective portion of the assessment. Students transferring in more than 6 credits of general education courses are exempt from taking the reading portion.

Students must provide documentation for one of the approved multiple measures to determine course placement.

Classroom Testing 

Learning Commons Testing Services accommodates classroom, correspondence, online, and make-up exams, in addition to national standardized testing and special accommodations testing. Students will work with their instructors to arrange testing in the lab.


A variety of tutorial services are offered to assist students in achieving academic success. Walk-in tutoring labs are available on the Cumberland Campus in subjects such as English, reading, computer science, mathematics, and natural sciences. For subjects not covered by a tutoring lab, individual peer learning specialists may be available. Students are encouraged to contact the Tutoring Coordinator to request individual tutoring early in the semester. Online tutoring is available through a contracted service provider in mathematics, from basic math through introductory calculus, biology, chemistry, physics, writing, economics, accounting, medical terminology, nursing, and other topics.

Tutoring services are intended to provide a review of subject matter and to assist the students’ improvement of study skills and self-confidence resulting in a more independent learner. Students with excellent academic and communication skills that are interested in serving as tutors are requested to file an application with Learning Commons/Tutoring or the Student Services office at the Bedford County Campus.

Alumni Activities

Allegany College of Maryland invites all graduates and former students to continue their connection to the college by joining our Alumni Association. Membership in the Alumni Association is open to all graduates, as well as students who have completed one credit or non-credit class. Under the leadership of our association officers, we are able to offer certain benefits and organized activities for alumni. The annual business meeting of the Alumni Association is open to all members. For more information on alumni activities, please visit the College’s website at

Allegany College of Maryland offers an athletic program of intercollegiate and intramural sports activities. Allegany College of Maryland is a member of the Maryland JUCO Conference, which is composed of member institutions of junior and community colleges throughout the State and Region 20, which comprises Maryland, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania junior colleges. Allegany College of Maryland plays a full schedule of intercollegiate competition in basketball (men’s and women’s), volleyball, baseball, softball, soccer (men's and women's), and cross country (men's and women's). The Physical Education Building provides excellent facilities in support of athletics and physical education instruction. Bob Kirk Arena is the home court for basketball and volleyball teams. The Fitness Center holds a full complement of cardio equipment, such as treadmills, stair climbers, Jacob's ladder, rowing machines, and elliptical trainers, as well as free weights and premium weight lifting machines. Outdoor on the Cumberland campus are sand volleyball courts, tennis courts, running/walking tracks, and playing fields for intramural sports. The College provides a variety of competitive athletic activities and encourages student participation in its sports programs. More information on Allegany College of Maryland’s athletic programs can be found on the College’s website at

For information regarding the graduation rate of student athletes, see the “Admissions" section of this catalog. Additional information about the Athletics program is available by contacting the Athletics Office at 301-784-5265, or consulting the “Student Handbook”, which can be found online at (Student Handbook tab).

Campus Store

The Allegany College of Maryland Campus Store provides students, faculty, and staff with convenient and affordable access to academic supplies and campus life merchandise. Textbook orders are fulfilled through a partnership with Books by eCampus to provide students with a variety of purchasing options and competitive pricing. Students receive free shipping on textbook orders to the Cumberland or Bedford County Campus.  Visit to order your textbooks.

To purchase ACM apparel, gifts, meal vouchers, and school supplies, visit the Campus Store website at

Contact the Campus Store at 301-784-5348 for information on hours and services.

Campus Computer Labs

The Information Technology Department supports computer laboratories spread across the college campuses. The Cumberland Campus labs are located in the following campus buildings: Technology, Science, Allied Health, Humanities, Automotive Technology, and Continuing Education. An additional campus lab is located at the Gateway Center in downtown Cumberland; the Bedford County Campus labs are located in Room 19 and 21. Although priority is given to scheduling labs in accordance with the courses taught in the respective buildings, any lab can be scheduled for use by any department. Internet access is available in all computer labs and in the Library at the Bedford County Campus. In addition to the computer laboratories noted above, the Learning Commons, and various academic departments have personal computers available for use.

Additional information on lab locations and availability can be found at

Wireless Network Access

Students may access wireless network services at the Bedford County Campus, Cumberland Campus, Willowbrook Woods, and Gateway Center. Students connect via the “ACM” wireless SSID and must login using their Self-Service username and password. Additional information on accessing the wireless network can be found at

Student Email

Per the Student Communication Policy, all students are required to monitor their college-issued student email frequently and regularly; it is the students’ responsibility to read all communications and to respond as necessary.

Students can access their student email accounts by visiting Lost or forgotten email addresses and passwords can be retrieved by contacting the Student IT Help Desk at 301-784-4357.

Student Helpdesk

Students from both campuses and the Gateway Center can call the Student IT Help Desk using the ACM Technology Help Line.

The Technology Help Line can be reached in the following ways:

  • By dialing extension 5444 from any on-campus phone
  • By dialing 301-784-5444 from cell phones or
    - Bedford County Campus 814-652-9528, ext. 5444

For on-campus assistance, students can contact the Technology Help Line or send an email to


The Student Government Association (SGA) funds a wide variety of student organizations/clubs. Clubs listed below are either nonacademic, which means that they are open to all students, regardless of the student's program of study or academic, which means that membership is based on the student being enrolled in that specific program of study. Groups that been funded in the past include Advocates 4 Christ, Alpha Sigma Lambda, C2J, Choir, Cyber Security Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletics, Forestry Club, Gaming Club, Honors Program, Human Service Club, Medical Assistant Club, Medical Laboratory Technology/Biotechnology Club, NAACP Club, Nurse’s Christian Fellowship Club, Paralegal Student Association, Peace Club, Phi Beta Lambda, Phi Theta Kappa, Physical Therapy Assistant Club, P.R.I.D.E., Psi Beta, Psychology Club, Respiratory Therapy Club, SADHA (Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association), Science Club, Student Nurses Association, Student Occupational Therapy Assistant Club,TEACh, Veteran Support Club, and the Volunteer Club. Whether a student organization/club funded by SGA in a given year depends on whether it is active/inactive which depends upon student interest/availability. New groups are welcomed, too!

For more information regarding Student Life, log onto

Food Services

The Café, located in the College Center on our Cumberland Campus, offers convenient and delicious food. In addition to offering reasonably priced food, we offer additional savings for students through our pre-payment plan. Pre-payment plans are available for purchase in the cafeteria.

Café hours are 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. The College reserves the right to change these hours when it is deemed necessary.

In addition, numerous vending machines are located in the following buildings on the Cumberland Campus: College Center, Learning Commons, Automotive Technology, Humanities, Science, Technology, Continuing Education, Physical Education, Allied Health, and the Western Maryland Works location. Vending machines are also available in the student lounge area at the Bedford County Campus. Fresh supplies of snacks, hot and cold beverages, candy, and many other items are available daily.

Mental Health Supports and Resources & Counseling

1.  Personal Counseling – Allegany College of Maryland contracts with UPMC Western Maryland (Cumberland) to provide counseling to individual students. Individual counseling is the primary service. (Couples and family counseling are also available) All services provided by UPMC are completely confidential and provided by qualified, licensed mental health professionals.  We offer 2 locations for students to see a professional counselor; on campus and at UPMC outpatient services.

 On-site: UPMC Counselor is on campus when classes are in session during the Fall and Spring semesters at the Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic (Allied Health #115) weekdays.  Students are urged to make an appointment by calling UPMC-WM Behavioral Health at 240-964-8585. "Walk-ins" are accepted if UPMC Counselor is available.

Off-site: Multiple counselors are available by appointment in the following situations: (1) students prefer to go off-campus to see or (2) students need counseling on days/times outside the on-site schedule above.  Any eligible student is entitled to receive up to seven* (7) hours of counseling per semester for any mental health issues with which s/he needs assistance.

     *14 sessions per year are paid by ACM.
       (7 during the period July 1 – December 31; 7 during the period January 1 – June 30)

To schedule an appointment with a counselor at UPMC Western Maryland call 240-964-8585.

Crisis Counselors are also available to speak to students over the phone and can be reached at 240-964-1399.

The Pennsylvania campus contracts separately with Bedford-Somerset Developmental and Behavioral Health Services 814-623-5166; for more information, contact the Student Services offices at the Bedford County Campus at 301-784-6200.

2. STUDENT SUPPORT COORDINATOR - Students experiencing a personal problem/concern or are in need of crisis support should reach out to the Student Support Coordinator. While the Coordinator's is located on the ground floor of the College Center, CC12, he/she is readily accessible to provide confidential support, guidance, and resources to students in high-population locations, such as Willowbrook Woods, Athletics, Allied Health, and The Learning Commons. Connect with the Coordinator by calling 301.784.5115, or visiting one of the  mobile locations.

KOALAs - Koala stickers that read, "Hello, I can help!" can be located on office doors throughout campus. Individuals who have a Koala sticker have completed a Mental Health First Aid Training and are available to offer a listening ear, guidance, and/or guide students to other campus resources to better support them.

Additional support services provided by the Director of Student Support & Education and the Student Support Coordinator include: intake/screening for students in crisis with a mental health need, or experiencing a personal problem; provide education and outreach to students, faculty, and staff; confer with faculty/staff about students who may need mental health support and about student mental health generally. Additionally, the Director of Student Support & Education oversees ACM’s lx3 Team, which identifies at-risk students and works with faculty/staff to develop intervention plans as needed regarding non-academic concerns; provide annual Clery mandated statistics and end of year report, oversee the Student Counseling Program, including distributing information, tracking usage of online screening tool, and aiding off-site counseling

 Visit the Mental Health Supports & Resources webpage for more information:  

3.   Holistic Mental Health Network- Life can be challenging. Academic, work, and personal issues can interfere with our success. Allegany College of Maryland is committed to supporting students, faculty, and staff by offering comprehensive mental health services. This holistic network focuses on the wellbeing and resilience of each individual person, and is built upon a foundation of self-care. Picture it as a staircase; the first step begins with self-care (bottom) and builds toward crisis care (top), with steps of more help from others in-between. We urge you to see where you are on the continuum of care. Click on each "step" to see all the suggestions and resources available to you.

For Bedford County Campus Information:

For Cumberland Campus Information:

4. Online Therapy for Veterans - Active duty military members and veterans experience a high rate of PTSD with as many as 34% suffering from this debilitating condition as well as other mental health issues, including addiction, anxiety, and depression. Given the troubling statistic that veterans are two times more likely than civilians to commit suicide, it’s clear that not enough is being done to support our veterans and to ensure they receive the care that they deserve.

To learn more about online therapy services for veterans visit

(Costs associated with Online Therapy are borne by the user.)

5. Family Crisis Resource Center  – Allegany College of Maryland has partnered with the Family Crisis Resource Center (Cumberland) to provide easily accessible domestic violence and sexual assault support services to students. FCRC is a non-profit, nongovernmental sexual assault and domestic violence victim services organization. FCRC is available by appointment and in emergencies to help any student (or employee). All FCRC services are free.

FCRC can be reached by calling (301) 759-9244. To learn more about Family Crisis Resource Center, visit

6. Screening for Mental Health – ACM recognizes that brief online screenings are the quickest way to determine if you, or someone you care about, should connect with a licensed professional. Think of these as a checkup from your neck up. Screenings include, depression, anxiety, alcohol & substance use, post-traumatic stress, eating habits and more. Immediately following the brief questionnaire, your results, recommendations, and key resources will be provided to better understand what you are feeling or experiencing.

Curious about your mental health? Take a free, anonymous and confidential Mental Health screening today.

7.  Emergencies – Anyone who witnesses a medical or mental health emergency requiring immediate intervention should CALL 911 AND THEN CALL CAMPUS SECURITY @ X.5555. Health and safety are too important to hesitate, and you do not need permission to call 911. (NOTE: ACM does not provide transportation and/or hospitalization costs.)

UMPC Western Maryland Crisis Counselor: Dial 240-946-1399: Counselors are available 24/7 to address urgent or emergency needs.

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: Dial 988 or chat online: 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

 Crisis Text Line: Text “HOME” to 741741 (Free/confidential) A global not-for-profit organization providing free mental health texting service through confidential crisis intervention via SMS message. Available 24/7

Maryland Crisis Connect: 1-800-422-0009 / 1-866-411-6803 (or Dial 211 select option 1, for crisis help or resources.) Offers crisis intervention & linkage with local community resources, information and referral and telephone support for anyone experiencing a crisis. Assistance is available by phone, text, and chat.

 Veteran’s Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 or 1-877-VET2VET If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, caring & qualified VA responders are standing by to help 24/7. The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, anonymous, and confidential resource that’s available to anyone, even if you’re not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care.

The Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 or text “START” to 678-678 A national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning (LGBTQ) young people under 25.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 Available 24/7 to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest Natl. Network): 1-800-656-4673 The nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. Available 24/7. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Doctors on Demand: 24/7 access to doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and other medical experts. Select and see your favorite providers right from your smartphone, tablet or computer. (While it’s free to sign up and check your coverage when you register, students are responsible for any costs associated with virtual care.)

8. Mental Health Resources - Resources at your fingertips! These resources will help you better understand mental health, suicide, substance use and more.

Feeling anxious, stressed, or down? Check out the Mental Health & Stress Management apps that can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and improve your mood through positive affirmations, motivational and inspirational quotes, breathing techniques, and more!

9.  Private Referrals - local providers – A list of local mental health providers (Cumberland Campus) is available by contacting the Office of Student & Legal Affairs or the Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic. Selecting a private provider is the student’s choice; payment is the student’s responsibility.

Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic

The Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic offers health and wellness services to students, and the local ACM and surrounding community. Services offered include Allied Health program and sports physicals, influenza vaccinations, Tuberculosis (PPD) screenings, immunity titers, cholesterol and blood sugar screenings as well as health education clinics on a variety of topics. The NMWC is staffed with Certified Nurse Practitioners on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  The NMWC serves as a clinical site for nursing and allied health students, providing opportunities for hands on learning during supervised clinics. The NMWC is located on the first floor of the Allied Health Building (room 115). A full list of services with dates and times is available at NMWC 301-784-5670 and on the College website at

All incoming first semester students are expected to participate in an orientation program. The purpose of these orientations is to inform students about academic, social, and general College policies affecting their growth and success at the College. Orientation is hands-on, interactive, and conducive to making new connections. Interested students may register online; additionally, orientation programs are available to students attending the Bedford County campus.

For more information regarding Orientation, log onto

Pathways For Success Program (TRiO/Student Support Services)

The Pathways For Success Program at Allegany College of Maryland (ACM) is a TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) project funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Pathways For Success provides a supportive environment on campus for first-generation, income-eligible students and students with disabilities. To assist Pathways For Success students in achieving their academic goals, the program offers services such as academic and transfer advising, tutoring, career advising, and financial aid advising/literacy, among other services. Pathways For Success serves 140 eligible, enrolled students annually at ACM.

To be eligible for Pathways For Success (TRiO SSS), a student must:

  1. Be a citizen or national of the United States OR meet residency requirements for federal student financial aid;
  2. Possess a GED or high school diploma;
  3. Be currently enrolled at Allegany College of Maryland, OR be accepted for enrollment in the next academic term;
  4. Have a need for academic support in order to successfully pursue a post-secondary educational program;
  5. Be income-eligible OR a first-generation college student, OR a student with a documented disability; and
  6. If applicable, successfully completed English 92.

Please check with the Pathways For Success office for additional eligibility and participation criteria.

The Pathways For Success program office is located in the Humanities Building, room H-57, on the Cumberland Campus. For more information, please contact the Pathways For Success office at 301-784-5630, or go to

Residence Life

Allegany College of Maryland offers on-campus student housing for full-time students. Willowbrook Woods is a garden-style apartment complex comprised of five apartment buildings of three floors as well as a Clubhouse. Each apartment includes a kitchen, living room, balcony, four private bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The Clubhouse has a lounge area with TV, vending machines, and laundry facilities for residents. Residence Life staff offer a multitude of services for on-campus residents such as educational and social programs, academic support, campus and community referrals, and more. Residents and eligible guests are permitted to enter Willowbrook Woods via the Gatehouse, which is staffed 24 hours a day by Campus Security staff when the complex is open. Tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs are prohibited at Willowbrook Woods. Additional information is available by visiting or visiting our office in the College Center. 

Applications are available by visiting or visiting our offices in the College Center.

Student And Legal Affairs

The Mission of the Office of Student & Legal Affairs is to provide direct, non-instructional support services to students, to cultivate a safe learning environment, and to support institutional compliance with laws and regulations. This mission is accomplished in numerous ways every day. Direct services to students include managing the Student Counseling Program, off-campus housing list, residency petitions, background checks (employment and college transfer), student discipline, financial aid termination appeals, support/outreach in times of crisis, intervention plans, and information/referral. The Office also assists faculty/staff with student issues and works closely with Campus Safety and Special Police; the Dean of S&LA receives all Security reports, directs any appropriate follow-up, and manages both the Willowbrook Woods No Trespassing List and the Campus Ban List. In addition to managing legal issues related to students, the Office is responsible for multiple state/federal compliance matters including drug/alcohol, non-discrimination, and the Clery Act. The Dean of S&LA serves as ACM’s Title IX Coordinator, ADA/504 Coordinator, and FOIA Officer. Additionally, the Dean is responsible for implementing the College’s First Amendment Policies, and Student Affairs maintains the First Amendment Religious Freedom Policy's Reflection Room which is open to all students and employees and is located in CC-19.  Various publications and brochures are produced by the Office including the Student Handbook, Student Services Booklet, and the Alcohol & Drug Resource Manual. Lastly, the Dean of S&LA supervises Residence Life, Student Life, and Student Support.

Student Government Association

At Allegany College of Maryland, the Student Government Association (SGA) functions as the governing organization of the student body. It serves as a means of participation in College governance with the faculty and administration, and it acts on behalf of the students. Additionally, SGA allocates student activity funds, supervises elections, coordinates campus social activities, and approves new campus student organizations.

Any student of Allegany College of Maryland who plans to seek office or serve on the Student Government Association must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher. In addition, a minimum of six hours of credit instruction must be attempted and successfully completed each semester in order to serve.

Students elected to serve must not be on academic or disciplinary probation.

Student Grievance Procedure

Any student who has a grievance against the College must be able to communicate the complaint with confidence that it will be heard and acted upon appropriately – without risk of retaliation. Information on the College’s grievance policies and procedures for students and which office(s) a student may contact to file a complaint can be found in the “Student Handbook”. A copy is available through the Office of the Dean of Student and Legal Affairs, Bedford County Campus Student Services Office, and on the College’s website under “Student and Legal Affairs”.

Student Health Care

While Allegany College of Maryland offers a variety of resources related to student health/wellness, the College does not offer a clinic or other on-campus health care. Students are encouraged to use the many off-campus medical facilities – including UPMC Western Maryland located across the street from the Cumberland Campus. Allegany County Health Department (located next to the Cumberland Campus) maintains a list of local emergency and urgent medical care providers. Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic and the Campus Safety/Special Police stock multiple first aid kits on campus; additionally, the College has multiple Automated External Defibrillators (AED) on campus, and many College employees have been trained in their use. For mental health needs, see Counseling Services in this section.

Student Life

Student Life incorporates a broad range of social, cultural, and educational programs in an attempt to meet the needs of the diverse student population at Allegany College of Maryland.  The Director of Student and Residence Life serves as a liaison between the Student Government Association and other areas of the College community including the administration, faculty, and staff members. Each year the Office of Student Life distributes funds to support the following areas: recognized clubs/organizations on campus, athletics, intramurals, scholarship programs, tutorial services, and numerous student activities sponsored throughout the school year.  Additionally, the Office of Student Life coordinates: New Student Orientation programs, Red Cross Blood Drives, Drug, Alcohol and AIDS Awareness programs, and more.  All student activities sponsored by the Student Government Association and the Office of Student Life are offered for free or at a reduced cost with a valid ACM student ID.
Student Photo Identification (ID) Cards

Students at all physical campus locations/instructional sites are required to obtain an official Allegany College of Maryland Photo ID by the end of the second week of classes of their first semester of attendance and must display or be able to immediately produce their College-issued photo ID card upon request by an authorized College official. This policy does not apply to the following ACM students: those taking exclusively online, remote or virtual classes, or early college students taking courses exclusively in local high schools.

To obtain your ACM Student ID, simply bring a current photo ID (such as a driver's license) and a current class schedule to the Office of Student Life (Cumberland Campus, room CC-12) or Student Services (Bedford County Campus).

The first ID card is free and provides access to many student services, activities, sporting events, etc. Also, students who show their ACM ID receive discounts at some local businesses.

To learn more, go to

Substance Abuse Training

Allegany College of Maryland is required to provide heroin/opioid training to all new, full-time students, as well as educational information to part-time students. Allegany College of Maryland has created educational training for all students via Brightspace, and all incoming students must complete the training before the end of their first semester of enrollment. The college urges everyone to be informed and offers educational resources (including treatment information) at

*Allegany College of Maryland prohibits the possession and use of drugs and alcohol on all college property and in all college-affiliated activities without the express permission of the College President. 

Veterans Services

The Office of Veterans Services serves the needs of individuals eligible for educational benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The Veterans Service’s office is here to serve all veterans, military service members, veteran’s dependents and others eligible for educational benefits with concerns or questions regarding military educational benefits, enrollment certification or other matters relating to VA educational benefits. The office is located in College Center, in the Advising Center on the Cumberland Campus. The Veterans Services phone number is 301-784- 5209. It is prudent for new, re-entering or returning students, who are or may be eligible for VA benefits, to contact the Office of Veterans Services prior to registration to ensure that all necessary VA paper-work is properly initiated. Please keep in mind, eligibility for military educational benefits is determined solely by the VA. Eligibility for VA educational benefits bears no relationship to an individual’s indebtedness to Allegany College of Maryland.

Allegany College of Maryland, which has a long history of helping military veterans transition to rewarding civilian careers, has a Veterans Center on the main campus that gives these students a place to call their own. The Veterans Center is located in the Humanities Building and features several Internet-linked computer stations, a seating lounge and a small kitchen.