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Financial Aid

Allegany College of Maryland Grants (ACM Grant)

ACM Grants are institutional funds awarded by the Student Financial Aid Office to students showing high financial need. Students must complete a FAFSA ( and enroll for a minimum of 6 credits per semester for consideration.

Available Financial Aid Resources

In addition to having its own funds, Allegany College of Maryland participates in most federal programs. Residents of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia are also eligible to receive state scholarships from their respective states. Last year, Allegany College of Maryland disbursed more than $17,782,788 in funds from local, state, and federal programs.

Students applying for financial aid are considered for all programs for which they are eligible. The amount of financial aid awarded is generally a combination of grant, loan, scholarship, and employment monies. The financial aid package is based on the financial need of the student and/or parents as determined by a federally mandated formula. Need is determined by subtracting the resources of the student and his/her parents from the total student expenses. All financial aid awards to students are determined by the Director of Financial Aid.

Financial Aid Policy

Admissions Status - Only students classified as “degree-seeking” or “certificate-seeking” are eligible for financial aid, except for the General Studies and Spanish Certificate programs which are not eligible for any type of Title IV Federal Financial Aid. “Non-degree” students, such as those classified as Early College, Transient, or Letter of Recognition are not eligible for student financial assistance.

Audited Courses - Audited courses cannot be paid for with financial aid funds.

Repeating Classes - Department of Education regulations state that federal student aid funds can only be used to pay for one repeat of a previously passed course. Successful completion includes grades of “D” and above. This regulation must be followed even though our academic policy allows some courses to be repeated for credit up to 3 times. Failed classes which are repeated will be paid for indefinitely. Attempts during a semester when no Federal Financial Aid was received are not counted in the Repeat rule.

Satisfactory Progress for Financial Aid - Students must be making satisfactory academic progress in order to receive financial aid. A copy of this policy may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office or on the web at https://financial-aid/satisfactory-academic-progress.html

Degree Audit - Financial Aid can only pay for courses that meet program graduation requirements. Students taking other non-required courses will not have the credits associated with those courses counted in their enrollment status when determining financial aid amounts.

Code of Conduct - The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 requires Allegany College of Maryland to adhere to a Student Financial Aid Code of Conduct which prohibits conflicts of interest between ACM staff and any of its agents with any lender, lender servicer, and/or guarantor. To view this code, please visit the website at:

Non-Discriminatory Statement - The Student Financial Aid Office of Allegany College of Maryland offers free financial aid counseling services to all persons who request such help. All students attending the College are awarded all of the student financial aid for which they are eligible. Students have the right to cancel/decline some or all of any student financial aid award. ACM’s Student Financial Aid Office does not discriminate on the basis of curriculum, race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age, veteran status, or citizenship status (except in those circumstances permitted or mandated by Federal law) when awarding or disbursing student financial assistance.

Pennsylvania Students - Students receiving a Pennsylvania State Grant, administered by the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA), who are enrolled in more online courses than in-classroom courses, will not be eligible to receive any PA State Grant funds. In addition, in order for hybrid or blended course credits to count as in-classroom, the online instruction component cannot exceed 50 percent of the combined online and in-classroom contact hours. The actual eligibility requirements can be found online at:

In addition, PA students must be enrolled on at least a half-time basis (6 credit hours) in a PHEAA approved undergraduate program of study which is at least 2 academic years in length and seeking a first bachelor’s degree. Credits required for minimum enrollment must count toward the student’s degree/program for which he/she is enrolled. If a student is taking remedial courses, he/she must also take at least 3 non-remedial credits. If total remedial credits are more than non-remedial credits, the student’s grant amount may be reduced. A student can only receive this “combined credit” payment, called “Remedial Exception,” for 2 full-time or 4 part-time semesters.

For more information on these policies, contact the Student Financial Aid Office.

Student Financial Aid Policies are subject to change in accordance with federal and state regulations.

Non-Maryland Resident Tuition Reduction for Community College Nursing Students

This program is designed to provide tuition assistance to nursing students who are residents of a state other than Maryland. The amount of assistance provided is the difference between the amount of tuition paid by an out-of-state student and the amount paid by a Maryland-state student. Each recipient must complete a promissory note and agree to work at least two years on a full-time basis in a Maryland hospital or related institution.

To be eligible to participate in this program a student must:

  1. Be a resident of a state other than Maryland;
  2. Be accepted into the Nursing program at Allegany College of Maryland or be currently enrolled in the nursing programs;
  3. Be registered for at least 6 credit hours per semester.

This award may be renewed annually as long as eligibility requirements are met. Students interested in participating in the Tuition Reduction program should contact the Financial Aid Office for application information.

Additional information and the application are available at under Financial Aid Resources.

Procedures to Follow when Applying for Financial Aid

Students need to complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) to apply for federal financial aid and add ACM's school code 002057 so that we receive the results. The FAFSA for 2025-2026 is available beginning December 1, 2024 at In order for students to receive the maximum amount of federal and state financial aid monies, students should complete the FAFSA before March 1, 2025.

An email confirmation is sent to the student's ACM email account when ACM receives the FAFSA results.  This email also provides important instructions on completing the financial aid process here at ACM.

A Financial Aid Offer Letter detailing all award decisions and giving additional information and instructions about the aid offered is sent to each student’s ACM email account. Students accepting federal student loans must also complete the 2025-2026 Annual Student Loan Acknowledgment process at  Allegany College of Maryland also provides to students the College Financing Plan, which is a comparative consumer tool designed by the federal government to simplify and standardize financial aid information. It can be accessed in the student's self-service.

A student must reapply for financial aid each academic year. However, aid usually continues at the same level each year, unless a student’s resources or his/her parents’ expected contribution changes. All students receiving aid automatically get information on how to apply for renewal awards. Other students should request applications as early as possible.

Purpose of Financial Aid Program

By distributing funds according to need, Allegany College of Maryland’s financial aid program makes it possible for the greater number of students, regardless of their financial circumstances, to continue their education. Currently, 89% of all enrolled students at Allegany College of Maryland receive some form of financial aid.

Scholarship catalogs are available in November for the following academic year. Information regarding scholarship deadlines and application procedures is included in the scholarship catalog, which can be found online at

Scholastic Excellence Scholarship Awards

Allegany College of Maryland makes it even easier to achieve a higher education.

Scholastic Excellence Scholarship Awards (the Gilpin Freshman and the College Achievement Awards) help ease the financial burden of a college education by providing scholarships in amounts equal to up to one-half of the in-county tuition costs to students who meet the eligibility requirements.

The Gilpin Freshman Award

  • Must be a graduate of a high school located in Allegany County, Maryland;
  • Must have earned a cumulative high school grade point average of at least 3.5 at the end of their junior or senior year of high school;
  • Must be full-time student at Allegany College of Maryland within two years of high school graduation;
  • Must be considered a college freshman; i.e., one who has earned less than 28 semester credits. College developmental course credit-hour equivalents count toward this total;
  • Must not have been previously enrolled full-time at another college or university;
  • An application is required and a final official high school transcript must be provided;
  • Deadline to apply is September 15th. 

The College Achievement Award

  • Must have been a Gilpin Freshman Award recipient and maintained at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average at Allegany College of Maryland;
  • Must have sophomore status; i.e., one who has earned 28 or more semester credits. College developmental course credit-hour equivalents count toward this total;
  • No application is required.

The Scholastic Excellence Scholarships are available to eligible students for four consecutive semesters, providing the student successfully completes 12 or more credit hours per semester and maintains at least a 3.25 cumulative grade point average.

Extension of this scholarship beyond the four semesters is possible under certain circumstances with special approval and only for a maximum of two additional consecutive, full time semesters.

We reserve the right to reduce and/or eliminate scholarships or scholarship award amounts as necessary.

NOTE: If total scholarship awards exceed the overall semester cost to attend the college, the Scholastic Excellence Scholarships will be reduced and will thus be less than 50% of the in-county semester tuition.

Allegany County Opportunity Scholarship Program

The Allegany County Opportunity Scholarship Program has been established by the Allegany County Commissioners. This opportunity is only available to residents of Allegany County (minimum three years residency requirement). For additional information about the scholarships or to inquire about the Allegany County Opportunity Continuing Education and Workforce Development Scholarship or the Allegany County Opportunity Jump Start Early College Scholarship, contact the Allegany College of Maryland Foundation Office at 301-784-5200.

  1. Allegany County Opportunity Tuition Subsidy for Credit Students
    Tuition subsidies will be provided to help support the cost of tuition that is not covered by federal or state aid and scholarship support. This scholarship fund will provide up to 50% of the in-county tuition rate per credit hour. At least a 2.0 grade point average is required to receive the tuition subsidy. You must complete the FAFSA and ACM scholarship application to apply for this award.


  2. Allegany County Opportunity Merit Scholarship Award
    Merit scholarships for $1,000 will be awarded each academic year. Students must have at least a 3.0 grade point average and meet all other eligibility criteria. Special consideration will be given to students who intend to transfer to Frostburg State University upon graduation from Allegany College of Maryland.


Allegany College of Maryland Presidential Scholarships for Out-of-County and Out-of-State Students 

The Foundation will provide a $1,000 Presidential Scholarship ($500 each semester) to one graduate from each school listed below. This award is available only to high school seniors planning to enroll full-time at Allegany College of Maryland. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the end of first semester at Allegany College of Maryland to continue the award for the second semester.

Altoona Area High School Mineral County Technical Center
Bedford County Technical Center North Star High School
Bedford High School Northern Bedford County High School
Berlin Brothersvalley High School Northern Garrett High School
Boyd J. Michael, III Technical High School Paw Paw High School
Central High School, Pennsylvania Rockwood Area High School
Chestnut Ridge High School Salisbury-Elk Lick High School
Claysburg-Kimmel High School Shade Central City High School
Everett Area High School Shanksville-Stoneycreek High School
Forbes Road High School Somerset Area High School
Frankfort High School Somerset County Technology Center
Hancock High School Southern Fulton High School
HOPE for Hyndman Charter School Southern Garrett High School
Keyser High School Turkeyfoot Valley High School
McConnellsburg High School Tussey Mountain High School
Meyersdale Area High School Windber Area High School


Contact your high school guidance counselor for information about this scholarship by March 1st. The guidance counselor must make a written recommendation and forward the Presidential Scholarship Recommendation Form to the Allegany College of Maryland Foundation before March 31st.

For scholarships information, please contact the Allegany College of Maryland Foundation Office at 301-784-5200.

All of the above scholarships and awards are subject to the amount of contributions and interest received from endowment revenue.