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eLearning Program


Allegany College of Maryland offers the following types of eCourses (courses that are delivered in part or wholly via electronic means):

Online course – an eCourse in which 100% of all required instructional activities is conducted online. Learners may be required to complete proctored exams at specified on-site locations.

Blended course – an eCourse that "blends" face-to-face and online instruction.  Classroom instruction onsite is designed to reinforce, complement, and elaborate on the online instruction.

Distance Learning (DL) – an eCourse that is offered simultaneously at multiple sites that are remote from one another but linked by telecommunications equipment. 

Flex course – an eCourse that is designed as an online course and delivered to provide all of the following additional attendance/learning options for students: face-to-face in a traditional classroom, live broadcasts of classroom sessions, and recordings of classroom sessions. Flex courses are scheduled in traditional classrooms with no reduction in seat time.


Online Course Seats through MarylandOnline

MarylandOnline (MOL) is a statewide consortium dedicated to championing online learning. Through its seat-sharing program, MOL facilitates students’ access to online courses that are offered by MOL member institutions across the state. Allegany College of Maryland students have access to a wide selection of online courses through the MOL seat-sharing program. More information about courses offered through the MarylandOnline consortium is available at or by contacting our eLearning Department at 301-784-5312 or at

Computer Availability

Regular access to a computer, tablet, or mobile device with high-speed Internet access is required for participation in online, blended, and flex courses. Computers are available for student use in two locations on the Cumberland Campus. Ten computers are provided in the Technology building, room 114. Contact the IT Helpdesk at 301-784-5444 for available hours. The Library also maintains computers for student use (for hours see At the Bedford County Campus, two computer labs are available for student use when those labs are not in use for classes or meetings. The Bedford County Campus library also has ten computers available for student use.

Desktop Support

Browser Supported Browser Version(s) Maintenance Browser Version(s)
Microsoft® Edge Latest N/A
Mozilla® Firefox® Latest
ESR - current version (including a 12-week overlap with the previous version)
Google® Chrome™ Latest N/A
Apple® Safari® Latest N/A


Tablet and Mobile Support

Device Operating System Browser Supported Browser Version(s)
Android™ Android  Chrome Latest
Apple iOS® Safari, Chrome Latest
Windows Windows 10 Edge, Chrome,
Latest of all browsers, and
Firefox ESR.


System Requirements

Supported versions are the latest versions tested against the learning management system (LMS). Maintenance versions are older versions that are not tested extensively against the most recent version of the LMS. Browsers should have JavaScript and Cookies enabled. 

  Minimum Recommended
Operating System Windows 7 or higher
Mac OSX 10.8 or higher
Latest OS
Processor Intel Core i3 or equivalent Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Memory 8 GB of RAM 16 GB of RAM or higher
Monitor Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 1024 or higher
Free Hard Disk Space 5 GB of free disk space 20 GB or higher of free space
Broadband (high-speed) Internet connection with a consistent minimum speed of 3 Mbps Broadband (high-speed) Internet connection with a speed of 6Mbps or higher
Internet Browser See list of supported browsers at