*Associate Degree - two-year post-secondary degree to prepare for immediate employment or 4-year college transfer
- Applied Technical Studies
- Art
- Automotive Technology
- Biology
- Business Accounting
- Business Administration
- Business Economics
- Business Management
- Chemistry
- Computer Science (Secure Computing and Information Systems)
- Computer Technology (Cybersecurity)
- Computer Technology (Programming)
- Computer Technology (Technical Support)
- Computer Technology (Web Development)
- Criminal Justice (Career Program)
- Criminal Justice (Transfer)
- Culinary Arts
- Data Analytics
- Dental Hygiene
- Engineering - Automated Manufacturing Technology
- Engineering - Automated Manufacturing Technology (Engineering)- Area of ConcentrationA sequential arrangement of courses within a program which at the undergraduate level exceeds 24 semester credit hours
- English
- Exercise Science
- Forest Technology
- General Studies
- Health/Physical Education- SuspendedThis program has been suspended.
- History
- Hospitality Management (Hotel and Restaurant Management)
- Human Service Associate
- Legal Studies
- Massage Therapy
- Medical Administrative Assistant
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Multimedia Technology
- Nanotechnology
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy Assistant
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Physics
- Psychology
- Respiratory Therapist
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Teacher Education (Early Childhood)
- Teacher Education (Elementary)
- Teacher Education (Secondary)
- Teaching - Elementary (AAT)
*Certificate - one-semester or more career preparation for immediate employment
- Addictions
- Applications User Specialist
- Automotive Service Attendant
- Automotive Technology
- Baking Essentials
- Brewing Operations
- Business Accounting
- Business Entrepreneurship
- Business Marketing and Sales
- Business Supervision
- Catering and Event Management
- Cooking Essentials
- Criminal Justice
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Engineering - Automated Manufacturing Technology
- General Studies
- Graphic Design
- Legal Studies
- Massage Therapy - SuspendedThis program has been suspended.
- Medical Coding and Billing
- Medical Laboratory Technology - Biotechnology
- Medical Scribe Specialist - SuspendedThis program has been suspended.
- Nursing Assistant/Geriatric Aide
- Pharmacy Technician
- Phlebotomy/Laboratory Assistant
- Practical Nursing
- Restaurant Management
- Social Media Marketing
- Spanish
- Technical Support
- Tree Care Technician
*Letter of Recognition – a letter recognizing completion of a set of courses in a specific career field