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Teacher Education - Elementary (AOC)

Robin Seddon, Program Chair
Humanities 7

The Teacher Education Program is designed for students who wish to transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. The Teacher Education Program has three areas of concentration: early childhood (pre-kindergarten through third- grade), elementary education (first through sixth grade), and secondary education (seventh through twelfth grade). All education majors will be required to successfully complete the fingerprinting and criminal background-check process. Education majors should also note that education departments at most colleges or universities require a grade of "C" or better in education courses for credits to transfer to their education programs.

Education 100 Career Analysis in Education 1 credit hour
Education 190 Preparation for the Pre-Professional Sequence 1 credit hour
Education 191 Education Assistantship 1 credit hour
Education 201 Foundations of Education, Philosophy and Practice 3 credit hours
Education 204 Psychology of Learning and Teaching 3 credit hours
Education 217 Mathematics for Teacher Education II 3 credit hours

Successful completion of the requirements for this program qualifies students to apply for an Associate of Science degree in Teacher Education - Area of Concentration in Elementary Education.

Required Education Courses

Career Analysis in Education
Preparation for the Pre-Professional Sequence
Education Assistantship
Introduction to Emergent Literacy Skills
Foundations of Education, Philosophy, and Practice
Psychology of Learning and Teaching (Psychology 204)
Mathematics for Teacher Education I (Mathematics 216)
Mathematics for Teacher Education II (Mathematics 217)
Processes and Acquisition of Reading
Special and Multicultural Education

Required General Courses

Visual Imagery
Inquiries Into Biology or Biological Laboratory Science Elective
English Composition I
Introduction to Literature
College Algebra or
Probability and Statistics
Music and Creative Interaction for the Elementary Teacher
Integrated Health and Physical Education
General Psychology
Inquiries in Physical Science I or non-Biological Laboratory Science Elective
Inquiries in Physical Science II or Laboratory Science Elective


Required Elective Courses

Please consult with your advisor or the Advising Center staff for selecting appropriate elective courses for graduation.


Elective in Specialization - 3 credits




Art 110 (Visual Imagery) 3
Education 100 (Career Analysis in Education) 1
English 101 (English Composition I) 3
Mathematics 102 or 109 (College Algebra or Probability and Statistics) 3
Psychology 101 (General Psychology) 3
Total: 13
Education 195 (Introduction to Emergent Literacy Skills) 2
Education 201 (Foundations of Education, Philosophy, and Practice) 3
Education 217 (Mathematics for Teacher Education II) 3
Music 252 (Music and Creative Interaction for the Elementary Teacher) 3
Physics 130 (Inquiries in Physical Science I) or non-Biology Laboratory Science 4
Total: 15
Biological Science 131 (Inquiries into Biology) or Biological Laboratory Science 4
Education 191 (Education Assistantship) 1
Education 204 (Psychology of Learning and Teaching) 3
Education 216 (Mathematics for Teacher Education I) 3
Education 295 (Process and Acquisition of Reading) 3
Elective in Specialization 3
Total: 17
Education 190 (Preparation for the PPST) 1
Education 191 (Education Assistantship) 1
Education 296 (Special and Multicultural Education) 3
English 103 (Introduction to Literature) 3
Physical Education 154 (Integrated Health and Physical Education) 3
Physics 132 (Inquiries in Physical Science II) or Laboratory Science Elective 4
Total: 15
Total Credit Hours: 60

Education 190 may be waived and a one-credit elective substituted only if a student has successively completed the Praxis I/CORE or met the SAT/ACT scores set by MSDE for Praxis I or CORE waiver.

NOTE: All courses specifically identified by course number are graduation requirements for this program.