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Allegany College of Maryland Open Door Admissions Policy


Allegany College of Maryland Open-Door Admissions Policy

Allegany College of Maryland strives to provide quality education and services in a safe and comfortable environment at a reasonable cost. Anyone who satisfies our admissions criteria, and who is at least sixteen years of age, is admitted to Allegany College of Maryland. ACM reserves the right to refuse admission or re-enrollment, or to place conditions on admission or re-enrollment, of applicants and former students who ACM determines represent a safety risk to students, faculty, or staff.

Admission to specific Associate degree or Certificate Programs requires at least a high school diploma or its equivalent. Allied Health Programs have special entrance requirements. Our Early College Program permits qualified high school students to enroll in some courses.

If you are interested in attending Allegany College of Maryland, see the Admissions Section of this catalog for more information.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Allegany College of Maryland does not discriminate on the basis of federally protected classes of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, and veteran/military status in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs and activities. Allegany College of Maryland recognizes and complies with additional protections for employees and/or pursuant to state law.

For inquiries related to this policy, Title IX, and ADA/504, please contact:

Dr. Renee Conner
Dean of Student and Legal Affairs
Title IX Coordinator
ADA/504 Coordinator
301-784-5206 /

Policy Mandates


Allegany College of Maryland prohibits sexual harassment and sex discrimination by or against all students and employees. If you have any questions or concerns or if you need to make a complaint, contact ACM’s Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Renee Conner in CC-12, by email at , or by phone at (301) 784-5206. For detailed information about policy, procedures, and prevention education, see

Prohibited behaviors include: sexual assault, stalking, relationship violence, quid quo pro sexual harassment, hostile environment sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and attempts to commit such acts.


Allegany College of Maryland complies with Maryland law which requires all educators to report suspected child abuse. By law, educators are mandated reporters which means that if an educator suspects child abuse has occurred or if a person discloses that child abuse has occurred, the educator is required to make a report to Child Protective Services. A report must be made if regardless of when, where, or by whom the abuse occurred.  For detailed information about Mandated Reporters including how to make a report, see here

The College provides free counseling services. Also, the College's Title IX policy may also apply, so be sure to see the Title IX information.



A report on Allegany College of Maryland's Campus Security Policies and Crime Statistics (34 CFR Part 668) and the Clery Act, 20 U.S.C. 1092 (a) and (b) in accordance with the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR)/National Incident-based Reporting System (NIBRS) is available in the Office of the Dean of Student & Legal Affairs (College Center, room CC-12) or through the Department of Campus Safety and Special Police webpage.



Allegany College of Maryland recognizes drug and alcohol abuse/addiction as a health risk; the dangers associated with heroin and opioids are gravely concerning to this institution. The college urges everyone to be informed and offers educational resources (including treatment information). All new, full time students are required by Maryland law to participate in heroin/opioid training. In an overdose emergency, call 911. If you have any questions or concerns or if you need help, contact the Department of Campus Safety and Special Police by email or by phone at 301-784-5252 or the Office of Student & Legal Affairs by email, or by phone at 301-784-5206. *Allegany College of Maryland prohibits the possession and use of drugs and alcohol on all college property and in all college-affiliated activities without the express permission of the College President.



Allegany College of Maryland & Willowbrook Woods is a dry, clean, and clear campus.

Allegany College of Maryland supports the efforts of the State of Maryland and the United States to provide workplaces and learning centers free of illicit drug use and free of unlawful alcohol use. The College supports and complies with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, and drug and alcohol abuse policies of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.

It is the College’s intention to provide and maintain a work environment for employees and students that is drug-free, healthful, safe, and secure. When any person is on College property and/or participating in a College-sponsored or College-sanctioned activity, the person is expected to be free of any illegal drugs/alcohol and capable of fulfilling their responsibilities unimpaired by any substance. Although the College recognizes drug/alcohol dependency as an illness and a major health problem affecting society, it also recognizes drug use and activity as a potential health, safety, and security problem. Students and employees requiring assistance in dealing with drug or alcohol abuse or dependency are encouraged to seek treatment.



In compliance with federal ADA/504 requirements, Allegany College of Maryland supports the belief that all otherwise qualified citizens should have access to higher education and those individuals should not be excluded from this pursuit solely by reason of handicap. The College is committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities within all areas of college life. Therefore, support services are intended to maximize the independence and participation of disabled students. Further, the College complies with applicable state and federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in the admission and treatment of students.

Any student who wishes to receive accommodations must register with the Academic Access & Disability Resources Office, providing documentation of the declared disability. Once documentation is received, the Director will establish eligibility for specific accommodations based on the student's documented functional limitations and the essential functions of each course. Any student who wishes to declare a disability should contact the Academic Access & Disability Resources office at 301-784-5234.  For more information visit the Academic Access & Disability Resources webpage.



American with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; this legislation established comprehensive standards that were expanded per 2008 Amendments. Rehabilitation Act of 1972, Section 504 prohibits discrimination against any person on the basis of a “handicap” by entities receiving federal funds.

If you have a disability, we urge you to contact the appropriate office/person to request reasonable accommodations. You will need to complete some paperwork, provide documentation, and meet with the designated College Official who will help you with the process to determine the appropriate accommodations. For questions, referrals, or to file a complaint, contact ACM’s ADA/504 Coordinator, Dr. Renee Conner in CC-12, by email at , or by phone at (301) 784-5206. For detailed information about policy, procedures, and prevention education, see



In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Allegany College of Maryland will not disclose any information from the students' educational records without the written consent of students except to personnel within the institution, to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function, to persons in compliance with a judicial order, and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students, other persons, or other lawful exception. At its discretion, the institution may provide directory information to include: student name, address, email address, photo, dates of attendance, credentials earned, honors awarded, and alumni status. Students’ rights, the College’s obligations, and disclosure standards are detailed in the FERPA policy.  View ACM's FERPA policy



Students are responsible for their own health and should always consult a qualified health care provider if a health or medical condition interferes with the students’ ability to attend class in excess of what is permitted by the course syllabus or program requirements or to participate in an essential class function. Medically necessary absences will be excused with documentation from a qualified health care provider; students are responsible for contacting the instructor about if/how to complete any missed work. An information sheet with additional details is located on the Student and Legal Affairs webpage under both the Title IX tab and the ADA/504 tab.



The College’s two, companion First Amendment Policies detail how ACM honors constitutional protections for speech, expression, assembly, and religion. The second policy (effective 7/1/23) is ACM’s First Amendment Religious Freedom Policy. It also codifies Maryland law which requires all faculty/programs to provide these academic accommodations for sincerely held faith-based/religious practices:

  • excuse absences for a student to observe faith-based or religious holidays or participate in organized religious activities and
  • allow an alternative if a student misses an examination or other academic requirement pursuant to an absence excused under this policy.

An information sheet with details is located on the Student and Legal Affairs webpage. Direct any questions or concerns/grievances to the Dean of Student and Legal Affairs by calling 301-784-5206.