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Campus Locations

12401 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21502-2596
301-784-5005 – Thomas Welcome Center


18 North River Lane
Everett, PA 15537-1410

195 Pennknoll Road
Everett, PA 15537-6946


The Culinaire Café/Gateway Center
110-114 Baltimore Street
Cumberland, MD 21502-2302
317 Pythian Avenue
Oakland, MD 21550-5111


Somerset County Technology Center
281 Technology Drive
Somerset, PA 15501-4309



12401 Willowbrook Road, SE
Cumberland, MD 21502-2596
Technology Building - Room T221


37 Lane Avenue
LaVale, MD 21502-7012





Cumberland Campus

The College had modest beginnings in the former Carver School on Frederick Street, where the first students were enrolled in September 1961. Today, the College has a “modern and spacious” campus in suburban Cumberland. 

The 316-acre campus includes 15 buildings, which provide modern facilities for both credit and non-credit students. Facilities and equipment are consistent with and designed to maintain the high academic standards of the College. In addition to the Learning Commons-Library, Humanities, and Science Buildings, there is a College Center which houses the student lounge, dining facilities, theatre, Admissions and Registration, Financial Aid, Student and Legal Affairs, Institutional Research, Advising Center, Instructional Affairs, and the Business Office. The campus also includes a Physical Education Building, which houses a large gymnasium and fitness center. The Technology Building houses instructional and laboratory facilities for several of the career technology programs in addition to the Information Technology and eLearning and Education Technology Services departments. The Continuing Education and Workforce Development Building houses classrooms and meeting rooms for conferences, workshops, and seminars. The College’s health programs are located in the Allied Health Building. The Automotive Technology Building houses the Automotive Technology program. The Advancement Building houses the ACM Foundation office, public relations, student recruitment, marketing departments, and the Campus Store.

Bedford County Campus

In 1990 the College began offering evening classes in the Everett Area High School. Recognizing the need for daytime classes and expanded associate degree and certificate programs, the $2.3 million Bedford County Campus facility was constructed and opened in 1994.  The facility was originally funded by the Bedford County Commissioners, the Southern Tier Education Council, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on land leased by the Everett Area School District. The Bedford County Regional Education Foundation has provided financial support to furnish the facility. The 19,500 square-foot facility located in Everett, Pennsylvania, houses ten classrooms including two computer labs and one distance learning classroom; nursing simulation lab; learning commons/conference room; student lounge; and faculty offices. Administrative offices on campus also include student services; testing lab; career planning; transfer advising; and Foundation.  Most recently, $1.5 million has been invested by the Southern Tier Education Council and the Bedford County Regional Education Foundation to replace campus facility HVAC systems, restore the roof, upgrade flooring and paint finishes, repave parking areas, and renovate restrooms. 

Bedford County Technical Center

In 2000 an agreement was established between Allegany College of Maryland and the Bedford County Technical Center to create the ACM/BCTC PA Workforce Training Center where credit programs, continuing education and workforce development trainings are offered.  The 25,000 square-foot facility offers a variety of technical training and education including automotive repair and PA inspection, building trades, welding, health technologies, cosmetology, culinary/hospitality and Ag/Biotech.  A Bedford County Technical Center facility expansion added science classrooms and labs which ACM utilizes for both day and evening ACM science classes.
Garrett County Nursing Site

Allegany College of Maryland Nursing program has an off-site location in Oakland, Garrett County, Maryland. The site is behind Garrett Regional Medical Center (GRMC).  This program started in 2008 at the request of GRMC. Students have class in a private setting. The building has a classroom, a campus lab, and a lounge area for students. This site has all the conveniences and learning opportunities offered at our other two campus locations. The program accepts 20 students every other year starting in the spring semester of odd years.
Gateway Center/School of Hospitality Management & Culinary Arts

The Gateway Center, located at 110-114 Baltimore Street in downtown Cumberland, is a three-story, historic building that serves as the college's public profile off campus and a stronghold in the city's revitalization efforts. Retaining many of its original art deco design features, its first floor is home to the School of Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts and the Culinaire Cafe, a student-run restaurant. The building's second-floor houses administrative offices for the Culinaire Cafe and Community Trust, LLC. The Adult Education and Literary Services program at ACM is located on the building's second floor and office preparation for high school equivalency and literacy services for families, English as a second language services, as well as, workforce development skill-building courses.  The program is funded by the Maryland Department of Labor and courses for Maryland residents are offered free of charge. The Work Experience Program is also housed in the Gateway Center on the third floor.  The WEX (Work Experience) Program is a collaboration between ACM and Maryland's Department of Social Services (DDS) to improve employability of recipients of services who are work-eligible and receiving Temporary Cash Assistance.
Somerset Education Site

The Somerset Education Site was established in 2017 in support of its Early College program, which offers college-level courses to high school students. This effort has enriched the secondary education curriculum in Somerset County for more than two decades. With the support of principals and school district superintendents, multiple Somerset County high schools host college-level courses for high school juniors and seniors to add to their regular academic curricula each semester.

In addition, open enrollment coursework is offered during the Fall and Spring semesters to students enrolled at the Cumberland or Bedford County campuses and the general public. ACM staff the local office, which is located at the Somerset County Technology Center on Technology Drive.

Western Maryland IT Center of Excellence

The Western Maryland IT Center of Excellence focuses on educating and upskilling a local workforce to meet the demands of IT business retention,  expansion, and attraction in the region.  We offer a variety of in-demand industry credential training programs in cyber security, networking, IT project management, and service desk management.  The Center also focuses on delivering related youth STEM opportunities in the field of coding and robotics. Additionally, the Center hosts their annual Tech at the Gap conference at Rocky Gap Casino Resort every October. 

Western Maryland Works

Located four miles from the Cumberland campus in lower LaVale, Western Maryland Works at Allegany College of Maryland is a training facility that is leading the charge in a new era of advanced manufacturing and workforce development for the region. With its cutting-edge training in robotics, precision machining, welding, and more, WMW bridges the gap between education and industry application, partnering with the public and private sectors. This 33,000 square foot facility serves as an epicenter for research, hands-on learning, and entrepreneurship, fostering the future of manufacturing excellence in the region.

The adaptive space houses the College’s A.A.S Engineering - Automated Manufacturing Technology degree, and non-credit continuing education and workforce development training programs, offers dedicated classroom and lab space for advanced manufacturing technology, including digital fabrication, industrial maintenance, machining, robotics, welding, and woodworking. Program participants can earn National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS) certifications and other industry-recognized credentials while taking advantage of on-site technology, including CNC routers, plasma cutters, robotic arms and I-Pendants, 3D and garment printers, and a full woodworking shop among its many offerings. The college owned facility, supported by a variety of public and private partners, serves more than 10 rural and underserved communities in Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania with the intention of creating and retaining high-quality jobs.

ACM program students in other disciplines may utilize Western Maryland Works at Allegany College of Maryland’s resources through course projects or independently through a Makerspace membership. Western Maryland Works at Allegany College of Maryland proudly partners with Allegany County Public Schools to offer high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to complete 39 college credits over two years in Engineering - Automated Manufacturing Technology while simultaneously earning up to 14 valuable industry-recognized credentials. Students will then be recognized by the State of Maryland with a CTE completer certification in Manufacturing Engineering Technology upon finishing high school.