Tonia Letrent, Advising Specialist for Nursing Programs
Allied Health 216
The Nursing Program prepares graduates to work in a variety of health care settings,
in many roles within those settings, and with other care providers in the health professions.
Today's nurse not only provides care and comfort to patients and their families, but
also takes an active role in the health promotion and disease prevention of those
same patients. Our program prepares nurses to meet the challenges of today's health
care system and lays the foundation to rise to future challenges as new knowledge
and technologies occur. The program has established partnerships with several colleges
and universities for baccalaureate degree completion, with RN-BSN degree options.
For more information about dual enrollment with other 4-year schools, please check
with the nursing office.
A minimum grade of "C" is required in all general education coursework; however, note
that admission is competitive with grade point average being important. Laboratory
science courses taken ten or more years prior to application for admission will require
further evaluation.
Licensed practical nurses, and students transferring from another nursing program
who wish to be considered for admission to the traditional nursing program should
contact the Nursing Office for information on advanced standing and challenge exams.
Deadline for application is February 28.
The LPN-RN Online Program is for currently licensed LPNs with one year/2000 hours
full time work experience. There are specific Admission Criteria and Deadline Dates
to this competitive admission program that differ from the traditional program. This
is a selective admission program and space is limited. Interested applicants should
contact the Nursing Office for further detailed information.
The Hybrid virtual / weekend option is the same curriculum. Admission criteria and
application deadlines are the same as the on-campus RN program. Students selected
for this cohort will experience virtual classroom content with on-campus weekend requirements
to perform clinical and lab content. Interested applicants should contact the Nursing
office for further detailed information.
The CMA to Nursing entrance option is for currently certified medical assistant CMA's
(AAMA). There are specific Admission Criteria and Application Deadline Dates for
acceptance into this pathway.
The Nursing program at Allegany College of Maryland has been designated as a Health
Manpower Shortage Program. The Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
has determined certain health occupations in the state to be in short supply. The
Maryland Higher Education Commission has designated educational programs that correspond
to these health occupations to be eligible for the Health Manpower Shortage Program.
Maryland residents from counties other than Allegany County who register in this eligible
program will be charged the out- of-county tuition rate. However, these students may
be eligible to receive reimbursement for a portion of the cost difference between
the in-county and out-of-county tuition rates. Funding availability for this program
is based on funding from the State of Maryland and is thus subject to change each
semester. Some restrictions apply. More information can be obtained by contacting
the Admissions Office.
Nursing students must meet the educational standards of the College and in addition
must achieve a grade of "C" or better in each nursing course and each required general
education course. Students must have a passing (satisfactory) grade in both clinical
and campus laboratories. Students who fail to achieve a "C" grade in a nursing course
and/or a satisfactory grade in clinical and campus laboratories will not be permitted
to continue in the program since courses are sequential and pre-requisite for continuance.
Students may be dismissed from the program for unprofessional and/or inappropriate
behavior in clinical laboratory sites. Since all classes are sequential in nature,
courses must be taken during or before the semester listed.
A satisfactory health record must be on file prior to clinical experience. In order
to participate in clinical experiences, students must meet clinical agency requirements.
All students are required to have an annual flu vaccine, unless an approved medical
or religious exemption has been obtained. Students will be required to obtain a drug
screen to meet clinical agency requirements. Students will need to obtain a Criminal
Record Check prior to entrance into the Nursing Program for the state where their
clinical experiences are held. During enrollment any official change or the initiation
of any governmental proceeding affecting the information revealed by the required
criminal or child abuse background check must be reported immediately by the student
to the director of the nursing program.
The nursing courses are designed to be completed within four consecutive college semesters.
This normal progression within a two-year period may be interrupted in some instances
because of a need for course repetition to receive a satisfactory grade, or because
of illness or other unforeseen circumstances. To maintain continuity of the program,
a maximum time limit of eight consecutive semesters (or four college years) will be
allowed for completion of the program. During this time period, as the student progresses
through the program, the student may not repeat (because of unsatisfactory performance)
more than one required nursing course. A student who makes unsatisfactory progress
in a required nursing course may repeat it only one time. Failure of a second course
in the program constitutes a program failure.
Readmission to the nursing program may be contingent upon completing a prescription,
which requires the student to demonstrate improvement or appropriate change in the
behavior(s), which resulted in failure. Eligible students will be readmitted only
on space available basis, and students may have to wait for admission.
Completion of the program and recommendation by the program director entitles the
graduate to be considered for admission to the National Council Licensing Exam for
Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). Completion of the requirements of the nursing program
does not guarantee eligibility or guarantee passing the NCLEX-RN exam for licensure.
A passing score on the examination results in qualifying for licensure as a registered
nurse. Licensure is determined by a state board of nursing. By law, the board may
deny licensure for a variety of reasons. These include conviction of a felony or of
a crime involving moral turpitude if the nature of the offense bears directly on the
fitness of the person to practice nursing.
BLS/CPR is a prerequisite to clinical nursing. Certification and/or recertification
is the responsibility of the student. (The college regularly offers such courses.)
The College reserves the right to revise course and admission requirements as appropriate.
The program costs beyond tuition, fees, and books are approximately $800 for uniforms,
liability insurance, and achievement tests.
Nursing is designed as a career ladder program. The first year of the associate degree
and the first year of the practical nursing programs are identical. Students interested
in the Practical Nursing program should refer to the Practical Nursing Program.
Students not admitted to the Nursing Program should refer to the section entitled
Selective Admission Health Programs in the Admissions Procedures of the catalog.
This is a career program and is designed to enable students to seek employment at
the program's completion. If you plan to transfer to a four-year college or university,
please check with your advisor and the Advising Center staff as soon as possible.
Successful completion of this program qualifies a student to apply for an Associate
of Science degree in Nursing.
To be eligible for admission to Allegany College of Maryland’s Nursing program as a recent high school graduate or Early College student, an applicant must satisfy the following requirements:
- One year of high school chemistry, biology, and algebra (or their equivalent) with a minimum grade of “C” in each course.
- Take the HESI A2 Admission exam
- Pass the Allegany College of Maryland Placement Assessment including the Anatomy and Physiology Placement Exam or successfully complete all required courses before the first college semester.
To become eligible as a college student currently attending Allegany College of Maryland or transferring from another institution, or any Early College student at Allegany College of Maryland who has waived the senior year at high school and is enrolled as a full-time student, an applicant must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
- Pass the Allegany College of Maryland Placement Assessment including the Anatomy and Physiology Placement Exam or successfully complete all required courses.
- Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 for all nursing program requirements.
- Successfully complete Anatomy and Physiology I (Biology 207). In order to be eligible to enroll in this course, students must have passed the Anatomy and Physiology Placement Exam or successfully completed Biology 93, 100 or 101 with a grade of ”C” or better. Students must have appropriate placement scores or a grade of “C” or better in Reading 93 and Mathematics 90 to be eligible for Anatomy and Physiology I (Biology 207). Current enrollment in Anatomy and Physiology I (Biology 207) will be considered in determining eligibility for admission; however, this course must be completed with at least a “C” grade prior to admission to the program.
- Schedule and take the Nursing Admission Assessment Test for the Nursing program. The Nursing Admission test must be taken by February 28 to be considered for the Fall semester admission, and by September 30 to be considered for the Spring semester admission
To become eligible as an Online LPN-RN student attending Allegany College of Maryland or transferring from another institution, an applicant must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
- Have a minimum grade point average of 2.5 for all nursing program requirements.
- Complete Anatomy and Physiology I and II (Biology 207 and 208), Microbiology (Biology 204), English 101, Psychology 101, Human Growth and Development (Psychology 203), and Math (Probability and Statistics OR College Algebra) with a grade of “C” or better.
- Schedule and take the Online LPN-RN Entrance Test. The Entrance Exam must be taken by April 15 to be considered for August admission, September 1 to be considered for September admission, or December 1 to be considered for May admission.
- Submit supporting application documentation:
- Copy of Driver’s license or state-issued ID
- Nursing license
- Employer Verification Letter
- Professional Reference
- Official LPN transcript should be submitted to the Registrar’s Office
To become eligible as a college student currently attending Allegany College of Maryland or transferring from another institution, an applicant must satisfy the following minimum requirements:
- Hold a current CMA (AAMA) certification
- Schedule and pass the Nursing Admission Assessment Test for the Nursing program with a minimum required score of 75.
- CMA to Nursing: Complete Anatomy and Physiology I and II (Biology 207 and 208), Microbiology (Biology 204), English 101, Psychology 101, Human Growth and Development (Psychology 203), and Math (Probability and Statistics OR College Algebra) with a grade of “C” or better.
- CMA to LPN: Complete Anatomy and Physiology I and II (Biology 207 and 208), English 101, Psychology 101, Human Growth and Development (Psychology 203), and Math (Probability and Statistics OR College Algebra) with a grade of “C” or better.
- Additional general education courses are required for graduation.
Applicants will be ranked using the following factors:
- Scores on the standardized exam.
- A point system awarding points for each required course completed and grade earned.
- For Anatomy and Physiology 207; Anatomy and Physiology 208; Microbiology 204; and
College Algebra 102 or Probability and Statistics 109
- Each A will be worth 10 points
- Each B will be worth 8 points
- Each C will be worth 6 points
- No points will be awarded for a D or F
- For all other general education courses required for the Nursing program (English
101; Psychology 101 and 203; Sociology 101; and two Humanities electives)
- Each A will be worth 5 points
- Each B will be worth 3 points
- Each C will be worth 1 point
- No points will be awarded for a D or F
- For Anatomy and Physiology 207; Anatomy and Physiology 208; Microbiology 204; and
College Algebra 102 or Probability and Statistics 109
Admission to the Nursing program is competitive and not all applicants can be selected. Applications must be received in the Nursing Office no later than February 28 if the student wishes to be considered for the fall program or September 30 if the student wishes to be considered for the spring program. Please contact the Nursing Office or the Admissions Office for complete application requirements.
Biological Science 207 (Anatomy and Physiology of the Human I) | 4 |
Total: | 4 |
Biological Science 208 (Anatomy and Physiology of the Human II) | 4 |
Nursing 120 (Nursing I) | 9 |
Psychology 101 (General Psychology) | 3 |
Total: | 16 |
English 101 (English Composition I) | 3 |
Mathematics 102 or 109 (College Algebra or Probability and Statistics) | 3 |
Nursing 150 (Nursing II) | 9 |
Psychology 203 (Human Growth and Development) | 3 |
Total: | 18 |
Biological Science 204 (Microbiology) | 4 |
Nursing 205 (Nursing III) | 6 |
Nursing 206 (Nursing IV) | 3 |
Sociology 101 (Introduction to Sociology) | 3 |
Total: | 16 |
Humanities Electives 1 | 6 |
Nursing 204 (Nursing in Society) | 1 |
Nursing 215 (Nursing IV) | 9 |
Total: | 16 |
Total Credit Hours: | 70 |
1 Humanities electives must be from two different disciplines.
PROGRAM NOTE: All general education classes must be taken either before or with the
semester listed in order to progress to the next semester. All nursing courses must
be taken in the sequence listed.
NOTE: All courses specifically identified by course number are graduation requirements for this program.
The Nursing Program is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing, 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254; 410-585-1900, 1-888-202-9861. In addition, the program located at the Pennsylvania Campus is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing, 2525 North Seventh Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110; 833-367-2762. The Associate Degree Nursing Program is also accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN). ACEN’s address is: 3390 Peachtree Road, NE, Suite 1400, Atlanta Georgia, 30326; 404-975-5000