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Nursing (NURS)

295W LPN-RN Online Adv. Transitions

6 credit hours

Offered as a web course fall, spring, and summer semesters. Course Fee: $75.00. Learning Harbor Fee: $25.00. Testing/Software Fee: $510.00. Proctoring Fee: $200.00. Administrative/Clinical Placement Fee: $250.00.

This 6-credit prerequisite course is for Licensed Practical Nurses who have met select admission criteria to enter the theory/clinical courses of the LPN-RN Online Program ONLY. This course is a restricted enrollment course designed to aid students in obtaining necessary knowledge and skills to effectively complete course requirements in the LPN-RN Online program. Students will begin the process to secure clinical agency sites and clinical preceptors in preparation for clinical nursing courses.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of “C” or better.

Pre-requisite: Biological Science 204, 207, and 208, Mathematics 102 or 109; English 101, Psychology 101 and 203.

120 Nursing I

9 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. On average, four hours lecture and fifteen hours seminar/campus laboratory/clinical laboratory a week. Fee: $215.00. Test/Software Fee: $510.00. Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60.00. Simulation Fee: $150.00. Equipment Kit Fee: $165.00. Uniform Fee: $160.00.

Nursing I is designed to assist the student with learning the fundamentals of nursing care of adults with special emphasis on the care of the elderly. This course is based on the two major concepts: the nursing process and man's eight basic needs. The nursing process is introduced as a basis for all nursing practice. Man's eight basic needs are introduced as part of the organizing framework. This course also introduces the core components of professional behaviors, communication, assessment, clinical decision making, caring interventions, teaching and learning, collaboration and managing care. Fundamental nursing skills common to the care of the adult client are developed through guided campus laboratory and clinical experiences in various health care settings. Nursing roles are defined.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Nursing curriculum and Biological Science 207 with a grade of "C" or better.

150 Nursing II

9 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. On average, four hours lecture and fifteen hours seminar/ campus laboratory/clinical laboratory a week.
Face to Face Class: Fee: $215; Test/Software Fee: $215; Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60; Simulation Fee: $150; Proctoring Fee (Hybrid Section Only) $200.
Online Class: Fee: $190; Test/Software Fee: $215; Administrative/Clinical Placement Fee: $250; Proctoring Fee: $200.

Nursing II considers the needs of adult clients across the health care continuum experiencing common medical/surgical and/or select mental health conditions. The nursing process, basic needs and core components are applied as a foundation of the course into classroom, campus laboratory, and planned clinical experiences in a variety of health care settings. Students are required to assimilate a broad base of knowledge, which enables them to begin to apply and analyze content related to the care of the client. The course prepares the student to begin to function in a variety of nursing roles. The course prepares students to promote personal and professional growth.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Students in the face to face program must complete Nursing 120 with a grade of “C" or better and Biological Science 208 with a grade of “C" or better. LPN’s entering Nursing 150 in the face-to-face program must complete the Nursing Theory Assessment Exam and Nursing 294 with a grade of “C" or better.

151 Nutrition in Health Care and Diet Therapy

1 credit hour

One-hour lecture and discussion a week. Fee: $20.00.

This one-credit elective nutrition course is designed to provide the nursing student with a basic understanding of diet therapy; the role of therapeutic diets as part of the treatment regimen of common diseases or health problems; and the responsibilities of the nurse in teaching, supporting compliance with and evaluating outcomes of therapeutic diet therapy.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Nursing 120 or consent of the instructor.

177 Introduction CMA to Nursing

6 credit hours

Offered Fall semester. Fee: $190.00. Test/Software Fee: $215.00. Proctoring Fee: $200.00.

Introduction CMA-Nursing will explore the differences between a Certified Medical Assistant and a nurse (either LPN or RN). This course will build upon content from previous CMA courses and will explore physical assessment and the nursing process. The skills taught and evaluated will be NG tube insertion, medication administration via NG tube or PEG tube. Foley catheter insertion and basic Intravenous (IV) skills. The basic IV skills will include spiking an IV bag, priming the IV tubing, assessing an IV site, connecting an IV to a patient and discontinuing an intravenous catheter. It does NOT cover IV insertion.

204 Nursing in Society

1 credit hour

Offered fall and spring semesters. Two hours seminar a week. Fee: $60.00.

This course reviews the relationship of nursing history to present day nursing practice. Current trends are considered in terms of their impact on roles and practices. Problems, roles, and responsibilities of graduate nurses are discussed. Consideration is given to the ethical and legal responsibilities of nurses in today's world. The changing health care system, current issues, and future trends are discussed. Management/leadership concepts are discussed and concurrent selected clinical experiences are provided in Nursing 215.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Requisite: Must be taken in the last semester of the Nursing Program.

205 Nursing III

6 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. This course is taught concurrently with Nursing 206. On average,for both courses, four hours lecture and fifteen hours seminar/campus laboratory/clinical laboratory a week.
Face to Face Class: Fee: $140; Test/Software Fee: $110; Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $30; Simulation Fee: $150.
Online Class: Fee: $120; Test/Software Fee: $110; Administrative/Clinical Placement Fee: $250; Proctoring Fee: $100.

Nursing III is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to learn basic principles in caring for the childbearing and child rearing family according to eight basic needs. Needs are considered in terms of the organizing framework as introduced in previous nursing courses. The nursing process is the tool used to provide care as the student addresses the needs of the family. Specialized fundamental skills, legal aspects, pharmacology, human growth and development, management-organizations skills and self-evaluation are included in the course. The core components of nursing practice are emphasized. Clinical and campus laboratory experiences are selected to provide opportunities for students to increase assessment skills and make appropriate nursing decisions using the nursing process in caring for the childbearing and child rearing family.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Students in the face to face nursing program must complete Nursing 150 with a grade of “C" or better. LPN’s entering Nursing 205 in the face to face program must complete the Nursing Theory Assessment Exam and Nursing 294 with a grade of “C" or better. Prerequisite for students in the Online LPN-RN Program is Nursing 295 with a grade of “C" or better.

Nursing 205 and Nursing 206 will be combined and all exam scores, clinical grades, evaluations will be combined to earn a single grade. A combination of 539 points is needed to pass Nursing 205/206.

206 Nursing IV

3 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. This course is taught concurrently with Nursing 205. On average, for both courses, four hours lecture and fifteen hours seminar/campus laboratory/clinical laboratory a week.
Face to Face Class: Fee: $75; Test/Software Fee: $105; Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $30.
Online Class: Fee: $70; Test/Software Fee: $105; Administrative/Clinical Placement Fee: $250; Proctoring Fee: $100.

Nursing IV considers the needs of clients across the healthcare continuum experiencing mental health conditions. The nursing process, basic needs and core components are applied as a foundation of the course in the classroom, campus laboratory and planned clinical experiences in a variety of healthcare settings. The students are required to assimilate a broad base of knowledge, which enables them to apply and analyze content related to the care of clients with specialized mental health care needs. The course prepares the student to function in a variety of nursing roles. The course prepares students to promote personal and professional growth.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Students in the face to face nursing program must complete Nursing 150 with a grade of “C" or better. LPN’s entering Nursing 205 in the face to face program must complete the Nursing Theory Assessment Exam and Nursing 298 with a grade of “C" or better. Prerequisite for students in the Online LPN-RN Program is Nursing 296 with a grade of “C" or better.

Nursing 205 and Nursing 206 will be combined and all exam scores, clinical grades, evaluations will be combined to earn a single grade. A combination of 539 points is needed to pass Nursing 205/206.

215 Nursing V

9 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. On average, five hours lecture a week for twelve weeks and on average fifteen hours seminar/campus laboratory/clinical laboratory a week for fifteen weeks.
Face to Face Class: Fee: $215; Test/Software Fee: $215; Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60; Simulation Fee: $150; Proctoring Fee (Hybrid Section Only) $200.
Online Class: Fee: $190; Test/Software Fee: $215; Administrative/Clinical Placement Fee: $500; Proctoring Fee: $200.

Nursing V considers the needs of adult clients across the healthcare continuum with complex medical-surgical healthcare conditions. The nursing process, basic needs and core components are applied as a foundation of the course in the classroom, campus, laboratory and planned clinical experiences in a variety of health care settings. Students are required to integrate higher learning and new knowledge, which enables them to apply and analyze content related to the care of clients with complex health care needs. The course prepares the student to function in a variety of nursing roles. The course prepares students to promote personal and professional growth.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Nursing 205 and 206 with a grade of “C" or better and Biological Science 204 with a grade of “C" or better.

220 Applied Pharmacology for Nurses

1 credit hour

One-hour lecture a week. Fee: $55.00.

This one-credit elective pharmacology course is designed to provide the nursing student with a basic understanding of pharmacology and its role as part of the treatment regimen of common diseases or health problems. The nursing process is the tool used as the student addresses study of the classes of pharmacological agents learned throughout the program. They are applied to specific clinical situations.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

294 Nursing Bridge Course

6 credit hours

Course Fee: $215.00, Testing/Software Fee: $510.00, Simulation Fee: $150.00, Uniform Fee: $160.00, Equipment Kit Fee: $165.00.

This 6-credit prerequisite course is designed for students considering a career in nursing from a Licensed Practical Nursing path, students transferring with advanced standing who have met select admission criteria to enter the Face to Face or Hybrid theory/clinical courses ONLY. Consent of the Nursing Program Director required to take this course. This course is a restricted enrollment course designed to aid students in obtaining necessary knowledge and skills to effectively complete course requirements for the Face to Face or Hybrid Nursing programs. The Nursing Bridge Course will have clinical time in the Allegany College of Maryland Nursing Simulation Labs so the students are familiar with the Allegany College of Maryland Campus, Simulation Labs and procedures for completing Face to Face/Hybrid Individual Skills Evaluations and Comprehensive End of Course Skills Evaluations. Course completion requires the student achieve a satisfactory in the lab/clinical component of the course. Students need to demonstrate proficiency in course outcomes.


BIO-204 with a grade of C or better - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
BIO-207 and BIO-208 with a grade of C or better - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
MATH-102 or MATH-109 - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
ENG-101 with a grade of C or better - Must be completed prior to taking this course.
EDUC-203 or PSYC-203 - Must be completed prior to taking this course.

299 Special Topics in Nursing

1-4 credit hours

Fee: $40.00.

This course is designed to allow students in the clinical phase of the nursing program the opportunity to pursue advanced study/research on topics of individual interest in the field of nursing. May be repeated for credit.

Must be enrolled in the clinical phase of nursing to register for the course.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of “C” or better.

Prerequisite: Must be enrolled in the clinical phase of nursing to register for the course.