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Culinary Arts (CULA)

150 Culinary Techniques I

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture a week. One hundred hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00. Knife Kit Fee: $194.00.

Application of scientific principles and techniques to food preparation. Focus will be on production of sauces, stocks, soups, salads, vegetables, and pasta.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 110 or concurrent registration.

201 Culinary Techniques II

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture a week. One hundred hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

A continuation of Culinary Techniques I. Emphasis will be on the production of meats, poultry, fish/seafood, breads, pastries, and desserts.

Prerequisite: Culinary Arts 150.

208 International Cuisines

2 credit hours

Offered fall semester. One hour lecture a week. Fifty hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

A course in the fundamentals of food preparation and service in a variety of international cuisines. The course is designed to include a history and development of major world cuisines. Production will include preparation and presentation of classical menu items.

Prerequisite or Corequisite: Hospitality Management 110.

212 Baking I

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture a week. Fifty hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

A course in baking, which involves preparation of yeast rolls, breads, pies, cakes, cookies, tarts, doughnuts, and holiday specialties. Topics include proper use and care of equipment, sanitation, and hygienic work habits.

Prerequisite or Corequisite: Hospitality Management 110.

213 Baking II

3 credit hours

Offered spring session. Two hours lecture a week. Fifty hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

A continuation of Baking I. Emphasis will be on the development of higher competency levels in baked good production.

Prerequisite: Culinary Arts 212.

216 Dining Room Management

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture and fifty hours practicum a semester. Fee: $220.00. Uniform Fee: $40.00

A course designed to provide an understanding of dining room procedures and principles used for full service operations and buffet services. Included in the course are classic methods of table service, dining room preparation, sanitation, customer relations, and tableside cookery.

Prerequisite: Hotel and Restaurant Management 101 and 110.

217 Beverage Management

2 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture a week. Fee: $200.00.

A course in the dining service appropriate to coffee shops and lounges/taverns. Emphasis is on liquor laws, purchasing, and production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101.

250 On-Site Practicum

5 credit hours

Offered summer session. Two hours lecture and one hundred hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

Supervised on-the-job training in approved food service production facilities. Placement and supervision are coordinated by the college. Weekly classroom discussions cover topics such as: employee recruitment and orientation, staff training, customer service, and supervision.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101 and 110, Culinary Arts 150 and 212.