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Hospitality Management (HRMG)

101 Introduction to Hospitality

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture and discussion a week. Fee: $200.00.

A survey of the history, organization, opportunities, and problems of the hospitality industry. Includes departmental functions, personnel practices, and typical job requirements. Emphasis will be on current trends and developments in the industry. The nature and scope of management functions in the industry will be discussed with emphasis on operation practices and problems.

102 Brewing History and Introduction

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture per week. Fee: $200.00.

This course provides an introduction to fermented products and their history. Emphasis will be placed on agriculture, production, product characteristics and taxonomy. Career opportunities in the brewing industry will be highlighted.

105 Sustainable Brewing

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture per week. Fee: $250.00.

This course introduces aspects of environmental sustainability in brewery design and operation. Topics include: wastewater consumption and disposal; waste reduction; utility usage; recycling; design considerations for sustainable development.

110 Food Service Sanitation

1 credit hour

Offered fall and spring semesters. One-hour lecture a week. Fee: $200.00.

This course emphasizes principles of safe food handling and preparation. Topics include: causes of food borne illness; safe food purchasing, storage and preparation; insect and rodent control; and government regulations pertaining to food service sanitation. Upon completion of the course, students will take the national ServSafe examination offered by the National Restaurant Association.

115 Brewing Equipment/Maintenance

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture per week and 50 hours practicum per semester. Fee: $200.00.

This course provides an overview of the various types of equipment used throughout the modern brewing process. Emphasis is placed on the cleaning, sanitizing, care, and maintenance of equipment so that all laws and regulations regarding brewing are followed. Students will be able to troubleshoot common equipment malfunctions in the production process.

125 Brewing Methods and Production

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture per week and 50 hours practicum per semester. Fee: $250.00.

This course introduces and develops entry-level skills in craft beer brewing. Topics include recipe development, techniques and equipment used in the production of craft beer, packaging, storage, and product delivery.

165 Catering Operations

3 credit hours

Offered Spring Semester. Two hours lecture and fifty hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

This course provides students with a comprehensive hands-on experience in planning, starting, and operating a successful catering business. Whether on premise, inside a hotel, part of a restaurant or small commercial kitchen, the student will develop the necessary skills in production and management to become a qualified, competent, and creative caterer.

200 Sensory Evaluation of Beer

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture per week and 50 hours practicum per semester. Fee: $250.00.

This course provides an introduction to the critical evaluation and judging of a beer’s sensory properties. Students will learn the vocabulary associated with judging and will develop their ability to identify a wide range of beer flavors and detect defects in beer.

NOTE: Students must be age 21 or older prior to enrolling in this course and provide appropriate documentation.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 102, 115, and 125.

203 Hospitality Purchasing, Inventory, and Cost Control

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture and five hours practicum a week for ten weeks. Fee: $200.00.

Topics include selections, procurement, and inventory procedures for foods, supplies, and services in the hospitality industry. Special emphasis is placed on determining correct order sizes and times, security procedures, and quality control.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101, concurrent registration, or consent of instructor.

204 Menu Planning and Food Merchandising

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture and five hours practicum a week for ten weeks. Fee: $250.00.

A course designed to interrelate nutrition, cost, personnel, equipment, and customer appeal in menu development. Includes discussions of food presentation and actual practice in preparing and costing a menu.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101, 160, and 203, or consent of instructor.

205 Food and Beverage Cost Control

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture and fifty hours practicum a semester. Fee: $200.00.

A course to examine, with examples and applications, the process of forecasting, budgeting, staffing, and purchasing. Emphasis is placed on the check and balances necessary to achieve and continue to improve business profitability.

207 Principles of Event Management

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture per week. Fee: $250.00.

This course will introduce the key principles of event management. Students will develop an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of an Event Manager. Emphasis will be placed on site selection, vendor selection, staff scheduling, and event coordination.

209 Front Office Management

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture a week. Fee: $200.00.

An examination of lodging and resort organization and services. Emphasis is placed on front office procedures such as reservations and registrations, accounting principles, salesmanship, operating systems, and human relations.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101.

210 Internship I

5 credit hours

Offered summer session. Two hours lecture and one hundred hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

Supervised on-the-job training in approved hospitality businesses. Placement and supervision is coordinated by the College.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101, 203, and 204.

211 Hospitality Supervision

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture a week. Fee: $200.00.

Human resources management in foodservice operations presents special challenges. This course will review supervision, leadership, staffing, performance evaluations, delegation, and diversity. In addition, students will develop job-seeking skills in their career field of interest.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 210 or Culinary Arts 250 or concurrent registration.

218 Hospitality Marketing

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours lecture a week. Fee: $200.00.

Elements of marketing as applied to the hospitality industry. Topics include the analysis of marketing opportunities, fundamentals of advertising and promotion, feasibility studies, and public relations. The differences between marketing products and services will be stressed.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 101, 203, and 209.

219 Mechanics of Event Management

4 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Two hours lecture per week and fifty hours practicum per semester. Fee: $250.00.

A course intended to develop and enhance skills in planning events for private, corporate and industry clients, including milestone parties, retreats, product launches and more.

220 Internship II

5 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture and one hundred hours practicum a semester. Fee: $250.00.

Supervised on-the-job training in approved hospitality businesses. Placement and supervision is coordinated by the College. Contact hours at the placement site increase in this second internship.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 210 or consent of instructor.

230 Event Production Internship

5 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Two hours lecture per week and one hundred hours practicum per semester. Fee: $250.00.

This course is designed to provide intermediate and advanced levels of knowledge in special event creation and execution, along with the necessary organizational, site, design, production and execution strategies. Emphasis is place on balancing corporate objectives and cost ratios, design objectives, vendor management, risk management plans, communications, timelines, production schedules and post-event analysis. A key component of the course will focus on integrating food truck operations into event planning, covering aspects such as menu selection, vendor negotiation, logistics for on-site service, compliance with health regulations, and enhancing guest experience through diverse culinary offerings.

Prerequisite: Hospitality Management 207 and 219.