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Respiratory Therapist (RESP)

101 Intro Respiratory Therapy

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours lecture and demonstration. Two, three-hour hospital orientation tours. Clinical time will total at least six hours. Fee: $80.00. Learning Harbor Fee: $25.00.

This course orients the student to the hospital environment and to the respiratory therapist practitioner's role on the health care team. Specific topics include the holistic concept of patient care; psychosocial, medico-legal, and ethical considerations in respiratory therapy; and professional interpersonal relations. Instruction is given in medical terminology, medical-surgical aseptic techniques, and physical assessment (inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation).

During the semester the student will be evaluated through interview, examination, and GPA to determine acceptance to the clinical component of respiratory care.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

102 Pharmacology

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours lecture and demonstration a week.

This course will familiarize the student with the basic concepts of pharmacology, emphasizing those drugs utilized in the treatment of pulmonary diseases. Topics include drug development, indications, contraindications, administration, mechanism of action, side effects, metabolism, and excretion. Emphasis is placed on drug safety and dosage calculation.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Acceptance into the Respiratory Therapist program is required to take this course.

Prerequisite: Mathematics 102 or 109 or concurrent registration, Chemistry 100 or 101 or concurrent registration, and Biological Science 116 or concurrent registration.

104 Respiratory Pathogens

1 credit hour

Offered spring semester. One hour of lecture per week.

This course is designed to provide students in the respiratory therapy program the essential knowledge of respiratory pathogens that are the etiological factors for many respiratory diseases located in the upper and lower respiratory tracts. Different types of pathogens (bacteria, virus, and fungus) will be presented. Diagnostic measures and drug therapy will also be discussed.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Mathematics 102 or 109 or concurrent registration, Chemistry 100 or 101 or concurrent registration, and Biological Science 116 or concurrent registration.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 102, 190, and 206.

190 Clinical Practice I

5 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours of lecture, on average two hours of campus laboratory, and on average four hours of clinical per week. Clinical/lab time will total 90 hours. Fee: $125.00. Criminal Background Check Fee: $65.00. Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60.00. Simulation Fee: $35.00.

This course covers oxygen and special gas therapy, principles of humidity and aerosol therapy and will acquaint students with techniques of chest physiotherapy, incentive spirometry, breathing exercises and pulmonary rehabilitation. The emphasis is on clinical application.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Mathematics 102 or 109 or concurrent registration, Chemistry 100 or 101 or concurrent registration, and Biological Science 116 or concurrent registration.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 102, 104, and 206.

206 Cardiopulmonary Anatomy and Physiology

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours of lecture a week.

This course provides an in-depth examination of the normal structure and function of the pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. A discussion of the renal system and its effect on cardiopulmonary function is included. This course provides a physiological basis for the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of the cardiopulmonary system.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Mathematics 102 or 109 or concurrent registration, Chemistry 100 or 101 or concurrent registration, and Biological Science 116 or concurrent registration.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 102, 104, and 190.

207 Community Health Education

2 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours lecture a week. Fee: $80.00.

This course is designed for the last semester respiratory therapy student who is about to become a member of a respiratory care department. This course will cover knowledge area and skills required and tested on the registry exams. This class will also deal with wellness, health development, and awareness in the community. Furthermore, the student will understand the importance of resume writing and interviewing.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

210 Clinical Practice II

6 credit hours

Offered summer session. Five hours of lecture and, on average, 32 clinical hours a week. Clinical/lab hours will total 192. Fee: $125.00. Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60.00. Clinical Edoc Fee: $112.00. Uniform Fee: $30.00.

The student will utilize and perfect skills developed in Respiratory Therapy 190. The emphasis is on clinical application. This course will introduce principles of positive pressure breathing, airway management, pulmonary rehabilitation and modes of mechanical ventilation.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, 190, and 206.

212 Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours of lecture a week.

This course will familiarize the student with commonly encountered diseases of the heart and lungs. Emphasis will be on deviations from normal functioning. Specific pathologies will include obstructive, restrictive, infectious pulmonary diseases, and respiratory failure. The pathophysiology of coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, and post-infarction complications will be examined. Discussions will include disease etiology, pathology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, 206, and 210, or consent of instructor.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 213, 225, and 231.

213 Cardiopulmonary Assessment and Diagnostics

3 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Three hours of lecture a week. Fee: $85.00.

This course will cover a variety of diagnostic testing procedures performed on respiratory care patients. The student will learn a systematic approach towards problem solving, analysis, and application of clinical data. There will be an emphasis on refining test taking skills, in order to prepare the students for NBRC examinations. Computer simulations, along with lab practicals will be utilized. ACLS guidelines and procedures will also be covered in the labs.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Biological Science 116, Mathematics 102 or 109, Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, and 206.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 212, 225, and 231, or consent of instructor.

225 Clinical Practice III

5 credit hours

Offered fall semester. Five hours of lecture a week and, on average, 24 hours of clinical/lab a week. Clinical/lab time will total 360 hours. Fee: $125.00. Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60.00. Hesi Exam Fee: $90.00.

This course focuses on airway management, intermittent positive pressure breathing (IPPB), continuous positive pressure ventilation (CPPV), positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and basic and advanced modes of ventilation. The student will be oriented to critical care units as well as the operating room. Instruction and clinical experience in arterial blood collection and pulmonary function testing will also be provided. Students must pass a secure CRT exam before moving into next sequence of coursework.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 190, 206, and 210.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 212, 213, and 231.

231 Research Methods

1 credit hour

Offered fall semester. One hour of lecture per week.

This course is designed to provide students in the respiratory therapy program with an understanding of research methods through a critical review of the literature. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of research methodology will be analyzed and discussed. Students will perform a critical review of a current therapy/practice as it relates to cardiopulmonary respiratory care and present findings in a research presentation.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, 190, 206, and 210.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 212, 213 and 225.

232 Advanced Respiratory Concepts

2 credit hours

This course is offered in the spring semester. Exam Prep Fee: $375.00.

This course is designed to prepare the students to take the credentialing exams. It will include current trends in the field of Respiratory Care. The Kettering Review Seminar is part of this course.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, 190, 206, 210, 212, 213, 225, and 231.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 207, 232, 240, and 250.

240 Pediatrics and Neonatology

3 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Three hours of lecture, demonstration, and campus laboratory a week. Clinical experiences will occur in Respiratory Therapy 250. Fee: $125.00.

This course will provide the student with information on neonatal and pediatric care. The student will acquire a clinical knowledge of specialized perinatal equipment such as mechanical ventilators, medical gas administration devices, and transcutaneous oxygen monitors. The course will provide a working knowledge of the development of the prenatal to pediatric cardiopulmonary system and knowledge of neonatal and pediatric cardiopulmonary diseases, with the appropriate treatment regimen.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, 190, 206, 210, 212, 213, 225, and 231.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 207, 232, and 250.

250 Clinical Practice IV

5 credit hours

Offered spring semester. Four hours of lecture per week and, on average, 24 hours of clinical/lab time per week. Clinical/lab time will total 360 hours. Fee: $125.00. Nurse Managed Wellness Clinic Fee: $60.00. Online Testing Fee: $128.00. Simulation Fee: $35.00.

This course will expose the student to all areas of clinical practice in a respiratory care facility. Clinical rotations in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units will be provided. The course will focus on the concepts of hemodynamic monitoring, advanced modes of mechanical ventilation, and preparation for successful completion of the NBRC RRT exam. Students will be required to obtain a minimum score on a secure RRT exam in order to successfully complete the course.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 101, 102, 104, 190, 206, 210, 212, 213, 225, and 231.

Corequisite: Respiratory Therapy 207, 232, and 240.

299 Special Topics in Respiratory Therapy

1-4 credit hours

Offered fall and spring semesters. Fee: $30.00.

This course is designed to allow students in the clinical component of the respiratory therapist program the opportunity to pursue advanced study or research on topics of individual interest within the field of respiratory therapy. Approval by the respiratory therapist program director is required.

In order to successfully pass this course, student must achieve a grade of "C" or better.

Prerequisite: Instructor consent required.